Dont you just love it when the action is so hot and steamy...

that both of you are completely oblivious to your environment and surroundings. Including the fact that you are in a hotel...and no need to remind me, or my hot steamy lover for that matter, that we put in a room that had two full size beds instead of our requested king size.

So in the middle of one of our steamy interludes, we are all over the place like two greco roman wrestlers vying for dominate position. He crabs me and I crab him, putting some kind of fancy fangled leg lock on him, and Viola!... or more like THUD! We both end up on the floor.

Points were awarded to both of us, for grace, athleticism, and the ability to laugh our asses off at the awkward looking position we found ourselves in. Ice was applied to my opponent's noggin, and then later used in some more southern of regions.

At My Age... I could break a hip..... LOL
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
You go girl! Hope you kissed those boo boo's and made them all better...LOL
Randy4Candy's Avatar
...because this happened to me and one of our lovely providers last night (Friday). Luckily for me, 'cause I'm old and slow, she's the only one who hit the floor when mass disorientation set in! I fanned it when I grabbed for her but she recovered nicely...heh heh heh. However, I do have a few nicks and scrapes here'n'there (yay! I'm Haven't been this stiff and sore since my last two-a-day in 1967...wheeeeee! I'm goin' back in, coach
LMAO! I love starting on the bed and ending on the floor!!