does anyone read this Forum?

I'm reoffering Anyone that would like to Join the Biggest Loser Contest! New Contest starts Feb 1st!

Need list of names that are serious about joing the Contest!

I'll need Starting Weigh In Feb 1st by noon!
I need to lose about 5#. Is that enough to qualify?
turbo-dog's Avatar
I'm interested... I definitely need some motivation.
SeaDog you are full of it! I can work that off you in a few hours!

Turbo I'm here to crack the whip and get you to a healther weight if it kills me! I send pics, girls offer prizes or atleast they did last go around! But I do offer lots of help and all guys in the contest get a special treat from me from start to finish of the contest!
I am interested too......My new yrs resolution is to drop 20 lbs........sounds like some interesting motivation
turbo-dog's Avatar
I'm definitely in Bella! Already feelin' motivated!!!
I'm here to help and get cha Boys to dropping the weight hey I might even come help ya work the pounds off if'n ya want me too!

Kisses and Sucks!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Well, given the holidays my tonage is up! And most folks already know I'm a big loser.

HID yes we know your a loser! But where could you possibly need to Lose weight? A toothpick is fatter than you!
SeaDog you are full of it! I can work that off you in a few hours! Originally Posted by Southern_bella
Hurry and get here! I'm up to 6 lbs now and gaining!

Seadog I'm hurring but my damn boss is pissin me off! Ggggrrrrr I hate working 7 days a week specially if I don't have time to play!
turbo-dog's Avatar
Bella, are you making a trip to New Orleans soon?
Ok so I've got 2 gents that want in the contest?

Turbo and Brv on Feb 1st I need starting weight numbers with picture of numbers on the scale!

In the mean time I'm going to see about gettin a forum on the home page for this contest as I'm doing it in 3-4 cities!
Cane64's Avatar
You can add me to the list of interested members..I could stand to lose some weight! Please let me know what I need to do to enter. Thanks
Ok Everyone that Really wants to join Send me an email at with your Handle and city your in! So I can start the City listings! On Jan 20th I'll email everyone the rules and guidelines for this contest!