Intelligence Test

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Do you really think that Joe Biden picked Harris as his running mate?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Do you really think that Joe Biden picked Harris as his running mate? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn

Biden couldn't pick his nose without a committee to help him
  • oeb11
  • 08-15-2020, 05:58 PM
but, but but - Biden drools without help!!!
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Who would want someone like that as essentially the president and caretaker of Joe and why?
They had a selection committee and did fairly thorough testing, I'm sure. Or Soros picked her.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Joey cant pick what kinda pudding he wants
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Who would want someone like that as essentially the president and caretaker of Joe and why? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
As I recall, she never even received a delegate as she dropped out before the first contest. Oh, but she did seem to garner almost a 7% favorable opinion poll in Commiefornia, her home state. So there is that.
a report I read was that biden got along with whtmer, the gov of Michigan, and to the extent possible, would have chosen her

but she is white and that eliminated her
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Today's Darwin Award recipient goes to an Antifa-g alum:

Trust me, you want to view some of the embedded videos for a morning chuckle.

Antifa dropped by STURGIS. Kicked a motorcycle and tried to ‘protest’. Guess how THAT went for them!

Nobody has ever accused Antifa of being an intellectual organization. Hateful, violent, hypocritical, communist, marxist, immature, privileged, or clueless, sure. But not intellectual.

So it isn’t a yuuuge surprise that a small group of them thought they could start some mess at Sturgis and come out ahead. Not at all. It was hilarious and predictable, but not a surprise.

Neither was the result...

Speaking of an 'intellectual organization', be sure to visit the below, just to gaze into the eyes of the latest crop of Antifa-gs that have been rounded up. They're precious and special.Trust, you'll be glad you did.

Let These Liberal Cities Burn: Antifa, BLM Calls Black Conservatives 'Coons' As Liberals Leaders Refuse To Prosecute Rioters, Arsonists And Terrorists

With Antifa and black Lives Matter (BLM) in the news so frequently these days, one would think that by watching the BLM/Antifa failures over the past months, some of them would learn that Americans have had just about enough of their antics.

Obviously we gave them too much credit for having a working brain cell left.

We have run across multiple examples, via video footage of these rioters alienating black Americans, calling black Trump supporters "coons," attacking police and getting their butts handed to them, women hysterically laughing at the stupidity of trying to interrupt a Back the Blue Rally Seattle rally.

This and so much more so far in August 2020...

And seriously folks, how bad does a group have to be to get chased out of Chicago, made famous by Jussie Smollete's MAGA country song and dance review?

Chicago residents kick chaotic Black Lives Matter demonstrators out of their community

Residents of Chicago’s South Side have taken it upon themselves to eject Black Lives Matter demonstrators who entered their community to stage a protest outside a police precinct.

On Tuesday, August 11, Black Lives Matter demonstrators made their way to the 7th District police station in Englewood to stage a rally against the arrest of a person who shot at police officers. According to the Chicago Police Department (CPD), the 20-year-old suspect fired on officers, which forced them to return fire, wounding the criminal who was later arrested and charged with attempted murder...
  • oeb11
  • 08-17-2020, 09:31 AM
WYID - Thanks - there is sanity in our country yet - the LSM just won't cover it.

This is worthy of its own thread.

Please consider the suggestion.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Your wish is my command OB1. May the force be with you.

WYID - Thanks - there is sanity in our country yet - the LSM just won't cover it.

This is worthy of its own thread.

Please consider the suggestion. Originally Posted by oeb11
rexdutchman's Avatar
There is sanity check out Kim Klacik Baltimore running for office great ad ( black woman hammering the liberal dim wits ) Till the LSM pulls the ad