Robert Trump, the president's brother, is dead at 72.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Let the shit throwing monkeys begin their howling.
matchingmole's Avatar
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Robert Trump, the president's brother, is dead at 72. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
RIP Originally Posted by pfunkdenver

congrats. unlike the matchingtroll .. you understand the loss regardless of the politics.

RIP Robert Trump
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah, this is not about politics. This is about family. People can hate Trump all they want, but this is about him unfortunately losing another brother.

As some have already posted, RIP Robert Trump.

I don't know how he died, but it would be pretty fucked up if he died of Covid-19 because of the way his older brother dismissed the virus and he actually believed him.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
He'll come back to life. Like a miracle.

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Yeah, this is not about politics. This is about family. People can hate Trump all they want, but this is about him unfortunately losing another brother.

As some have already posted, RIP Robert Trump.

I don't know how he died, but it would be pretty fucked up if he died of Covid-19 because of the way his older brother dismissed the virus and he believed him. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Congratulations, you brought politics into it based on a hope. What I've read is that Robert took a fall and may have had bleeding on the brain.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Congratulations, you brought politics into it based on a hope. What I've read is that Robert took a fall and may have had bleeding on the brain. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Calm the fuck down you old clown. I take no pleasure in anyone's death unless you are a rapist or a murderer. Those people can burn in hell for all I care.

Trump will never admit if it was from the virus so it's all a moot point anyway. It was simply conjecture in my post.

If my post offended you, tough shit. Why the fuck would I remotely care if it did? I don't roll like that.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You're no Chuck Connors. Maybe Chuckie Cheese.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You're no Chuck Connors. Maybe Chuckie Cheese. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Of course I am no Chuck Connors. He died before I was even a teenager. I'm also not a fictional character in a Western named Lucas McCain.

Are you really foolish enough to try to match wits with me? Cool. Let me have some fun. You are an old fat fuck with a lot of "no" reviews because women are repulsed by you. You are so repulsive that even the AMP chicks are repulsed by you and they fuck anything. Did I get that right? Don't waste your time with me, clown. You'll lose every single time because you are not that bright. You took my post out of context and tried to make it political.

It's no different than if my older brother told me something. I listen to him because I trust him. How the fuck does that have anything to do with politics? People tend to listen to their older siblings. Is that too hard for you to comprehend?

You get the last word with me. I'm done wasting my time with your silly old ass. I've said what I wanted to say... again, RIP Robert Trump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're no Chuck Connors. Maybe Chuckie Cheese. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Of course I am no Chuck Connors. He died before I was even a teenager. I'm also not a fictional character in a Western named Lucas McCain.

Are you really foolish enough to try to match wits with me? Cool. Let me have some fun. You are an old fat fuck with a lot of "no" reviews because women are repulsed by you. You are so repulsive that even the AMP chicks are repulsed by you and they fuck anything. Did I get that right? Don't waste your time with me, clown. You'll lose every single time because you are not that bright. You took my post out of context and tried to make it political.

It's no different than if my older brother told me something. I listen to him because I trust him. How the fuck does that have anything to do with politics? People tend to listen to their older siblings. Is that too hard for you to comprehend?

You get the last word with me. I'm done wasting my time with your silly old ass. I've said what I wanted to say... again, RIP Robert Trump. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

can't we all just be friends?
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 08-16-2020, 01:45 AM
It sucks to lose family so as a human I got compassion for the moment.

If he died from the coronavirus that will be next weeks full line up of news.
  • oeb11
  • 08-16-2020, 02:17 AM
He'll come back to life. Like a miracle.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Typical -9500
a man has died, a family lost a part of their family - and all 9500 cares about is his hate for POTUS Donald Trump.

get some therapy - it is badly needed.

regardless of any differences with the politics - my sympathies to the Trump family on the loss of Robert Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
I don't know ..... Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
You are correct on those words!

Are you still hiding in the basement?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
can't we all just be friends? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
LOL. I actually bought diet coke the other day. I haven't had that since I started working from home when this pandemic hit. It was pretty awesome. Thanks for the video. I don't think I've heard that since the last episode of "Mad Men". That's a great commercial.

regardless of any differences with the politics - my sympathies to the Trump family on the loss of Robert Trump. Originally Posted by oeb11
I agree. It has jack shit to do with politics. It has everything to do with being human. I would be devastated if I lost a sibling because I love them so much. He's lost two brothers. Trump is obviously dealing with enough shit right now, and to have a heavy heart is sad to me for him. You can replace wives, girlfriends and friends. But you can never replace your siblings or parents.