Adult Search Asian Ads

I know Adult Search can be sketchy and you have to research and verify. There are always a bunch of Asian ads and I can't ever seem to find anything on them.

Does anyone have experience with any of them, good or bad?

PM is fine...thank you.
Boy Scout's Avatar
Most Asian ads over there are fake with highly shopped photos. You'd get better and more reliable results with studios or amps and from reading reviews.
I understand what you mean...two years ago I agreed with you.

However, there are no amps left other than Pearl's with bad reviews. Despite all of my reviews here and other places, the studios all seem to want my driver's license, work email, mother's maiden name and a family photo. None of which they are getting.

I understand the photos are not accurate. They are also not accurate on the studio websites you are pushing me to. Simply wondering if anyone out there has called these places on Adult Search and had experiences they would like to share. I would appreciate it.
Boy Scout's Avatar
Yeah, amps are increasingly difficult to find these days, thanks to the extremist lawmakers in Austin. But some are still operating, I guess you just need to dig and search hard for it. They don't require screening as studios do. I agree some studios demand invasive information for screening, which I wouldn't give either. Having P411 helps for the most part, and once you're in, you're no longer required to do screening for future visits.

Regarding photo accuracy, I wish for one day they would post accurate photos, but it's not happening. Studio photos, in my experience, still fare far better in terms of accuracy comparing to those listing sites like Adult Search, which are infested with outrageously fake ads. You won't get much quality results on those sites, I'm afraid.
  • cosoj
  • 03-09-2022, 02:12 AM
Sometimes the provider is more attractive than the posted pictures, but most I have seen are attractive. The real problem is the rush the customer, like bang and go, even though you scheduled an hour appointment.
Joddxxx's Avatar
Sometimes the provider is more attractive than the posted pictures, but most I have seen are attractive. The real problem is the rush the customer, like bang and go, even though you scheduled an hour appointment. Originally Posted by cosoj
That’s true. Been there and done that. Lesson learned.
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
some of us are reliabe, look like our pics, and are a bargain----try independent providers on eccie, rathert than AMP