Alert: member is a rapist and threatens lives

DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
A member on this site, has now raped several women, myself included, then threatened my life. Please PM me for more information, as he's threatening to ruin me and everyone on this site. Rape is not something anyone has to endure, nor be threatened and afraid to speak out about it. Please verify always and make sure someone has your back so no one has to go thru this again.
dallasfan's Avatar
Wow. If it’s the same guy, he has been busy. No place for that in this hobby.

Does he like jello pudding pops.
BlondeFantasy's Avatar
You should go to the police about this and get this guy off the streets!
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Without a handle or more information this is not an alert.

Moved to coed
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-07-2018, 04:35 PM
A member on this site, has now raped several women, myself included, then threatened my life. Please PM me for more information, as he's threatening to ruin me and everyone on this site. Rape is not something anyone has to endure, nor be threatened and afraid to speak out about it. Please verify always and make sure someone has your back so no one has to go thru this again. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
Is the real issue that "he's threatening to ruin me"???? Get to the police station and take a rape kit test and take care of yourself, it sounds like a session gone bad and now the hooker is screaming RAPE. This is just my professional trick opinion...
Grace Preston's Avatar
A few years back, a guy was robbing and raping ladies at gunpoint and it took SEVERAL coming forward for law enforcement to take it seriously.

We are not treated the same as Jane Doe walking down the street. On the rare occasion one of us is brave enough to report it-- we're given the attitude of having "asked for it" and often we're dismissed or not followed up on.
Ron_Mexico91's Avatar
A few years back, a guy was robbing and raping ladies at gunpoint and it took SEVERAL coming forward for law enforcement to take it seriously.

We are not treated the same as Jane Doe walking down the street. On the rare occasion one of us is brave enough to report it-- we're given the attitude of having "asked for it" and often we're dismissed or not followed up on. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Unfortunately this doesn't surprise me. There are way too many socially conservatives dickheads in LE.

A rapist is a rapist, regardless of the victim's profession. If anything, getting away with violating a provider will embolden him to attack others outside of the vocation as well. This behavior only escalates.
A few years back, a guy was robbing and raping ladies at gunpoint and it took SEVERAL coming forward for law enforcement to take it seriously.

We are not treated the same as Jane Doe walking down the street. On the rare occasion one of us is brave enough to report it-- we're given the attitude of having "asked for it" and often we're dismissed or not followed up on. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Which is incredibly unfortunate. All women have the same right and deserve the same care and consideration, no matter what they do with their time.

This guy needs to be outed now. Maybe some of us know him and can help authorities locate him. If nothing else, word can be spread about this guy.
I have a an ex client sitting in a military prison as I type this....

Let's just say he was in his uniform....hurting ladies..taking stuff that didn't belong to him.

Me and one other hooker came forward....and it was a long process...but he got put away....

The police didn't want to believe hookers over a military police officer...but he was so dumb they caught him from the recordings in his dashboard cam....

His defense was that he didn't pay us the agreed upon amount and because of that we were trying to get revenge....whuch was so untrue....

If you need someone to talk to...or advice...please PM me....i am here for you...and I know what you're going through....its going to be hard..but you need to be courageous and brave....and stand up for yourself so this guy does not continue to hurt the ladies on this board.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Not a real firm recollections, but seems like there was a man raping or assaulting women several years ago. Not sure if it was in the ECCIE era or ASPD era. Some went to the police and were, to my pleasant surprise, taken seriously in fairly short order. The man was caught, held in jail for a substantial period awaiting trial, and then was either tried and convicted or plead guilty. I remember there were occasional updates about his status while he was awaiting trial.

Go to the police and if you don't get satisfaction there, go to the DA's office. I think that you will pretty quickly get a fair hearing and action. If not, come here and tell us and we can collectively put our heads together.
corona's Avatar
Fucking despicable
SisterTwister's Avatar
Is the real issue that "he's threatening to ruin me"???? Get to the police station and take a rape kit test and take care of yourself, it sounds like a session gone bad and now the hooker is screaming RAPE. This is just my professional trick opinion... Originally Posted by BLM69
She has 117 Yes reviews and 0 No's...obviously, she's untrustworthy...right?

Randall Creed's Avatar
She has 117 Yes reviews and 0 No's...obviously, she's untrustworthy...right?

Moron. Originally Posted by SisterTwister
Agree. What a dipshit move to come in here with that bullshit.

Free screening for all ladies, if you ask me.

A member on this site, has now raped several women, myself included, then threatened my life. Please PM me for more information, as he's threatening to ruin me and everyone on this site. Rape is not something anyone has to endure, nor be threatened and afraid to speak out about it. Please verify always and make sure someone has your back so no one has to go thru this again. Originally Posted by DaniDoesDoIt
hmmmmm interesting..

the OP publicly replies to no less than 6 ISO's today in the early morning hours..

then 5 hours later she generates this post.


"suddenly" she knows this guy has done this horrible act to more than just herself..

name a handle or else it's bullshit.
DaniDoesDoIt's Avatar
It is a real alert and the police are obtaining a arrest warrant at this time and have done a rape test along with other testing to insure he didn't have any thing he could of passed on to me. His name will be posted as soon as they have him in custody, so he doesn't run before they find him. As for you trolls, rape is rape, I didn't deserve this as does anyone else . Doesn't matter that I am on this site, what he did was wrong and threatening my life is not right either. I've never done others wrong, and I will stand up for myself and not accept being raped, hurt and threatened by anyone. If you think otherwise, then please never contact me, as if you believe I deserved such violence, you are as bad as the rapist himself.