55 New Bra Sizes?! Really?!

Roguejet's Avatar
Odd, I know; but ran across this NY Times business article http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/31/bu...h-the-bra.html

And, it looks like the bra industry is doing away with the A,B,C,D cup, and going to a new sizing system - like the article says, "but is anyone ready for measurements like 1-30, 7-36 and 9-42? Those are just three of 55 new sizes that a major American manufacturer has devised to address a lament as old as the bra itself: many don’t fit."

Just thought I'd throw it out there for some of the Ladies' comments.

I'm also curious how the guys reviews are gonna read? "She has an immaculate set of 9-42 bolt-ons", or "her ad says perky 7-36s, but they looked like saggy 8-38s to me" ...?
This is all a scam. There are only 2 types of bra and that is all. On and off. Who needs more than that?
I hate bras now anyway...
Wow...as if we don't have enough passwords, PIN numbers, bank, SS, credit card, phone and other shit numbers to keep track of, along comes some new bra math. Whoopie.
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
i see a new job opportunity. some one needs to measure for the new bra sizes.where do i apply? put me in coach
  • hd
  • 06-05-2013, 12:16 PM
LH=Less than a Handful
H =Handful
MH=More than a Handful
WOW!=More than the Above (kinda like Bill Cosby's Shelby's speedometer)

Wait, that won't work since we don't know how big anyones hands are!