Can't kids have fun anymore?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Some kids on a senior trip go kicked off a flight from NYC to Atlanta, just for using cell phones and not following the stewardesses' whims....a little harsh from fun lovin' Southwest, me thinks. Still love a girl in a sexy Stewardess outfit, though...
jbravo_123's Avatar
While Southwest does own AirTran, AirTran pretty much still operates as it has before... which is to say - like shit.

To be fair, from the article, it looks like the kids' antics delayed the flight 45 minutes, which is pretty rude to do to a bunch of other people. I know if I was a traveler on that plane, I would've been happy to see those little assholes booted off.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Ever been on a flight with kids acting like this? They got off easy.
Roguejet's Avatar
Sure kids can have fun - there's Six Flags, Disney World, Sea World, the ball field, the stands of a sporting event, the park, the beach, and the list goes on. But inside a packed airplane trying to get the doors shut and off the ground? Really? And now they claim they're "victims." Yup, that's exactly what we need - more up and coming victims!
pyramider's Avatar
I was on a flight from London to Madrid. I was seated in the middle of a bunch of 12-15 year olds. They were good until the food was dispensed ... Then I was in the middle of a high altitude food fight. Those fucking Brit kids all threw like girls.
Lust4xxxLife's Avatar
I'm glad they were booted. Nothing worse than undisciplined teenagers in a confined space. You obey the federal rules, or you get off.
ManSlut's Avatar
When I was a kid, my Dad would put the belt across my little ass for being DISRESPECTFUL to anything or anyone, even my own siblings, and that taught me the difference between having fun and being a Punk Kid...The youth is no different now as back then, just more parents now wanting to sue over Little Johnny Punk Kid getting embarassed instead of disciplining the shitheads at home.