Thank you for your service, that ubiquitous statement

said on veterans day, but does it really mean a damn thing to the masses. I think not. For, if one really wishes to convey that they do, in fact, appreciate what these unsung heroes, the ones who have died and the ones who remain with us, with all their trials and tribulations that war has done to their mind bodies and spirits, we, the masses, the politicos, the opposing parties, the men women and children, would stand up and say, We are Americans!!!, and with that we all have different views on any given subject (for that is what our luminaries, (yes, to me they are "the luminaries), died for) not so that we could chisel at one another's throat and call each names that only tears the person doing the name calling done, and gives them no credibility, but also tears down our great country, and gives our great country, no credibility. We, the masses, should stand shoulder to shoulder to show the world and these great men and women that they did not die in vain.

With this, I salute all the men, women and families who today fight for the freedoms, we take for granted!!!!! You are the people who are the true heroes.