The Animals We Are Dealing With

My apologies to animals, the Muslim Animals we are dealing with.

Some victims’ bodies from the second floor of the theater had been beheaded, eviscerated and otherwise mutilated, according to two secondhand accounts reported to a parliamentary commission set up to investigate the attack.

The investigation’s chair, conservative lawmaker Georges Fenech, complained to the commission that details of the mutilations have been kept from families and the press, according to an online transcript.

He also said he had heard of one especially grievous account: The father of one victim had told him that his son had been disemboweled and castrated, with his testicles found in his mouth.

“They had cut off his testicles,” Fenech said during testimony.

French law-enforcement officials who also testified for investigators insisted, meanwhile, that there was no evidence that victim injuries were caused by anything other than gunfire and shrapnel.

One official, Michel Cadot, the prefect of police in Paris, stressed that no knives were recovered from the scene.

There are other reports on the web that make it clear these were no "lucky explosions" that caused the injuries.

It's apparent that to keep the civilians in line, the French govt covered up and lied.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
still covering up for the muzzies. unbelievable.

one things for sure.

the hollande govt. won't exist in the afterlife.