Permanent Makeup Artistry

Dear fellow providers - I need your help.

I am currently attending school to become a medical micropigmentologist and
have to complete 21 procedures by April 2nd.


What is permanent makeup?

Permanent makeup, also known as micropigmentation, is a form of cosmetic tattooing used to enhance facial features.

Permanent makeup is revolutionizing the traditional world of cosmetics. It's not a fad - it is the cosmetic line of the future.

Imagine yourself with perfectly designed eyebrows, lusciously defined eyes, and sensual, kissable looking lips that lasts not just for a day, but for several years.

Can you imagine yourself not having to wake up and put on your makeup? Can you imagine yourself not having to re-apply your makeup a few times a day? Imagine yourself having more time to do other things. Maybe you have problems getting both eyebrows to look the same.
Maybe your hands are shaky while applying your makeup. Or maybe you have allergies to regular cosmetics. This is a problem of the past.

Permanent makeup allows busy people to always look their best and enhancing the beauty of those who desire more than what they were born with.

Permanent makeup can even camouflage scars from accidents, burns or surgeries, or even color differences in the skin.

We offer permanent makeup eyebrows, eyeliner, eyelash enhancement, lip liner, and lip blending.

Clinicals are on February 20th and 27th, March 5th, 12th, 19th and 26th, and April 2nd.

While in clinicals, my school is offering a 50% discount from the regular procedure pricing.

Regular procedure pricing is $300. With the 50% discount, the total is $150.

Your procedure will be observed by my instructor who has been a permanent makeup artist for 28 years.

You must travel to Oklahoma City, but you could also do a tour here. We have some great guys here who love to meet new ladies, and in the meantime you could get permanent makeup.

To check out some really cool videos of permanent makeup procedures, be sure and watch these:


Lip Blend and Lip Liner


Eyelash Enhancement

very interested in this! *eyeliner*
i want eyeliner!!!!!!!!!!!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Does it hurt like getting a tattoo?
It is a tattoo. On your face. So yah.
very interested in this! *eyeliner* Originally Posted by TShortKakes

I had mine done and I LOVE having permanent makeup! They have so many colors and these days it can be made to look so natural. I had my brows done, eyeliner ( top and bottom), and lipliner. Because I'm darker-skinned I have a pretty thick line on the upper lid.

I wear contacts so in the past, a lot of eyeliners would just irritate my eyes. Permanent makeup is awesome!!!! They do fade a bit over time, depending on your skin type ( I'm Asian so my skin is thicker and the pigment needs to really be imbedded deeply) so every few years I get my eyeliner touched up.

YOU GO LIL ORAL ANNIE!! If I visit OC I'll book an appointment with you to have some touchups done.
Does it hurt like getting a tattoo? Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn

Hurts like a bitch but it's so worth it, and the technician numbs the area anyways. We women have to suffer a little to be beautiful.
Does it hurt like getting a tattoo? Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn

From the procedures I've observed the last few weeks, the ladies say that the eyeliner is the worst for about two minutes. The skin is much thinner than the rest there.

Out of all of the eyebrow procedures I've seen my instructor do, only one of the women had initial pain which lasted the first two minutes. After that, she said she had no pain.

We are very liberal with the topical anesthetic.

Also, if you get your lips or eyeliner done, you may want to get an injection for pain. We have a doctor on site who does these. The charge is $50 and is separate from the procedure cost, and that money goes to the doc.

I watched lipliner and lip blend the other day, and the lady opted to get a dental block. The dental block is awesome, because there is very little swelling unlike with the topical anesthetic.

Her lips were gorgeous after and the dental block wears off after 2-3 hours.

There are people who just choose to have the topical anesthetic and do just fine with that. We allow plenty of time for it to act, and then keep applying throughout the procedures.
i want eyeliner!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by KimmySugar
Kimmy, feel free to send me a pm, and we can exchange numbers and discuss the eyeliner more in depth if you like. Dallas is only 3 hours from us. And if you just wanted to come up for the day (you would be able to drive back the next day), that would be fine too. But touring here would be great. I know the fellas would love some touring ladies.
I had mine done and I LOVE having permanent makeup! They have so many colors and these days it can be made to look so natural. I had my brows done, eyeliner ( top and bottom), and lipliner. Because I'm darker-skinned I have a pretty thick line on the upper lid.

I wear contacts so in the past, a lot of eyeliners would just irritate my eyes. Permanent makeup is awesome!!!! They do fade a bit over time, depending on your skin type ( I'm Asian so my skin is thicker and the pigment needs to really be imbedded deeply) so every few years I get my eyeliner touched up.

YOU GO LIL ORAL ANNIE!! If I visit OC I'll book an appointment with you to have some touchups done. Originally Posted by alluringava
Ava, you know I'd love to just meet you girlie! But yes, definitely, I would love to do your touchups! Come see me.
So.... willing to let a nonlicensed person "practice" with your face giving a perm tat? I think not! Also for the young girls... THINK! If you ever want to get into modeling... you will be rejected if you have perm makeup.

I dunno... i think if i were to do something like this id rather not be a guinea pig and go to someone who is licensed and you KNOW uses sterile equipment... jmho
If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all (: Annie good luck hun! Im excited to get mine done (:
Obviously some people are ill-informed or may just have other agendas.

The medical micropigmentologist is a licensed and certified profession mandated by law in Oklahoma. (where OP is located)

This is no different from dental schools (etc.) where the student is under supervision of a licensed practitioner.

1. I am not ill-informed.
2. No other agendas except merely giving my opinion

Just because I do not agree with something doesnt mean either of those 2 options.
The difference is that this is perm work.. not a simple teeth cleaning. I would be happy to let a student do my nails or hair. students- to be a dental assistant... do not do perm invasive work. A dental student that plans to be a dentist... has years of schooling under their belt before doing anything invasive. MY OPINION is that I wouldnt let anyone do anything that is perm unless they had years of practice and a license.

To each their own... do your research ladies...
Chica Chaser's Avatar
There is enough info for everyone to form an opinion and make up your own mind on the topic. Try it, don't try it...whatever.

Closed at OP request.