The September GC Luncheon was just a kick-off to a whole new Fall/Spring assortment of events!

Whispers's Avatar
I want to thank the Ladies and Gents that showed up. It was not as busy as we usually get and the number of NC/NS was higher than normal.


I was pleased to meet some new (old time members) guys that had never been before.... A couple of you that I went looking for intending to visit with a bit... But I stayed too busy it seems.

Anyway..... Because of the long lag between the early May event and yesterday, Ztonk and I scheduled two back to back to get things rolling..... The next party is already scheduled and invites are already out!

We will be ramping these things up as well as looking to increase attendance to see if we can top last years Christmas Party/Fund Raisers which had a phenomenal attendance of 82 members and raised a lot of money and gifts for the Agency we donated to.

Back to Yesterday.... The Management and WaitStaff appreciate the business as well as the generosity as did the dancers.....

I appreciated the gestures a few of you made as well... Especially that last round of dances a certain bunny in our midst bought for me... For some reason that young lady went home with me!

For those of you that met the new ladies hanging out with me... Ya gotta admit I keep outdoing myself....

The Old Secretary had a medical issue that kept her from attending and was very sad she missed it... But she WILL be back! The New Secretary had a blast and enjoyed meeting the guys she did....

I'll work a little harder to increase the number of ladies joining us at the next one.
Whispers's Avatar
And KUDOS to a certain lady, that will need to identify herself, for proving what many didn't believe she could and that few tend to believe I do, that the antics and crap on the board can STAY on the board!

She proved herself quite the Strip Club Monger getting more dances and more ITC play then a lot of the guys!
austinkboy's Avatar
Good warm up party! Sorry to my date who didn't get a corsage because I spent all my money on a bachelor party gift for Whispers. She didn't hold that against me, so it turned out to be a great day!
budman33's Avatar
it was fun. Thanks for the invite
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 09-16-2011, 10:49 AM
Austinkboy, I think I can forgive you for taking my future ex-wife as your date. Whispers, really liked your new secretary. Good looking girl.

Nice to catch up w/evrybody.
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers, really liked your new secretary. Good looking girl. Originally Posted by unagi
turns out she liked a few of those she met... She really had fun
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Whispers, thanks much for the party. Fun time!! Especially liked sitting next to this very attractive woman dressed in red. Hot!!
Reincarnated's Avatar
THanks again Whispers. I hope to see more providers there next time. I left around 2. Did more show up after that?
staff edit .... removed name ... coj ]
squiretuck's Avatar
Once again, great party! Thanks W. for all the work you do to put these things together!
Whispers's Avatar
THanks again Whispers. I hope to see more providers there next time. I left around 2. Did more show up after that?
staff edit .... removed name ... coj ] Originally Posted by Reincarnated

It is a Strip Club Event and any/all providers have to be invited/sponsored by a guy attending the event.

Very few guys coming seem interested in inviting/sponsoring any of the ladies from the community....
Ms Francisca's Avatar
I had a BLAST!!!!

I saw this with my own 2 sober eyes... Whispers is the Man!
I want to thank him for leaving his sexy lil blonde on my lap for a few minutes...
I admit I was thinking of how I could kidnap her... lol

It was a great party. I heard it was smaller than usual, so... you guys/gals missed out.

Thank you to my Date & to all the wonderful gentlemen who welcomed me & contributed to my "Lap Dance" fund... I truly enjoyed....

Hope to attend again.
  • Vyt
  • 09-16-2011, 05:47 PM
Whispers is the Man! Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Now you've done it - how are we ever going to get his head through a doorway again?
Ms Francisca's Avatar
And KUDOS to a certain lady, that will need to identify herself, for proving what many didn't believe she could and that few tend to believe I do, that the antics and crap on the board can STAY on the board!

She proved herself quite the Strip Club Monger getting more dances and more ITC play then a lot of the guys! Originally Posted by Whispers
Thank you.

I do not know what ITC is, but I did get a lot of DATY

Yes Vyt, I know. lol
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 09-16-2011, 07:21 PM
ITC is "in the club"

It was great to see many familiar faces, and to finally meet Budman33 and the lady in red.

Whispers's Avatar
I had a BLAST!!!!

I want to thank him for leaving his sexy lil blonde on my lap for a few minutes...

I admit I was thinking of how I could kidnap her... lol Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
SquireTuck spent a lot of time and made a lot of offers trying to buy her away for the evening to continue your entertainment..... and she received offers from others as well.... It seems that EVERY girl I ever introduce to the group tends to do quite well.....

If she wanted to, she could surely do much better..... but... alas.... for whatever reason.... she seems to enjoy "claiming me" as hers and for now, she seems satisfied with the manner in which she is being cared for......

She's a pretty young lady but I've had others that are prettier... None as sweet and fun though..... Did you try out my new Secretary? The taller blonde in the red Corset and Stockings? My buddy Odikar spent the evening before wining and dining her and dressing her all up for my party! He sure knows the look I like!

I saw this with my own 2 sober eyes... Whispers is the Man! Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
If you "saw" it using braille touch and taste methods then I can agree that you actually did see it..... I watched the way you felt and licked your way through those gals.... I guess you did "watch" me at times with one or two of the ladies I consider friends....

As to me being "the Man!"... Well... Darlin.... From you... That's an endorsement I'll quote on occasion because you and I have been on the opposite side of many an issue and when one adversary admits something like that about the other.others ought to take notice.

A common complaint at the last couple of parties from guys NEW to the scene is an absence of Providers in the mix..

But.... They just don't seem to be willing to reach out and extend invites and I can only afford 3 or 4 at any one time and now that my little yellow friend has fallen in love with a stripper, he doesn't bring his normal 3-4 Provider Dates.....

I appreciate your "vocal endorsement".... Coming from a Provider who has gone back and forth on the opposite side of subjects it is welcomed.

You are the 67th Provider to attend a Luncheon.... Some repeat here and there.... some never do... because being around "Whispers" and the guys that hang out with him is such a horrible thing to do that guys threaten to cancel dates with girls and other girls harrass them them as well....

One of these days the number of those that like partying and meeting the guys that come will out weigh the VOCAL MINORITY and we will have some real fun together....

I do not know what ITC is, but I did get a lot of DATY Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
You should visit with my buddy ODIKAR for a proper understanding of "ITC" which means "IN THE CLUB" referring to extra activities..... That man sends me pictures of gals in booths with their legs splayed and a butt plug up their ass and a smile on their face.... And when I heard there was a guy kicked out of P10 one night for ass fucking some gal in a booth at 2:30AM , he confirmed pretty quick that they asked him to stay away for a few days with a huge grin on his face.... The two of you could molest a few ladies together I think....