Why don't more people start thought provoking threads?

So, I easily created a few drama threads. Sadly, the drama threads have the biggest thread count, in general. Knowing that the train wrecks are good for ECCIE's bottom line, and that is why some people stir the pot, why don't people just ignore that fact and interject some damn sunshine by starting there own threads?! It's easy to do. Anyone can do it! This place needs some seratonin..proverbial prozac every once in a while!

I suppose it takes more creativity to interject something positive and thought provoking than idiotic drama threads? Yes, I just said that.

Call the drama threads a social experiment while the big dogs are busy. They will be back. They will always be here. I implore you....

Start a positive thread, no putting anyone down, drama or negativity.

Random acts of kindness people here have done for you. This can be anything as small as a comment that made you smile to a heart felt thank you to someone here, that is okay with mentioning it or even something you witnessed. You don't have to mention names or anything.

I will go first: I was in the hospital once, at one of the worst times in my life and none of my family knew. I was very scared. In one of my darkest hours, the only person who came to visit was a hobbyist.

I will NEVER forget that! It made a major impact on the way I looked at things after that.

Earlier, Lonewonder complimented my random music choice and it made my night! It was simple, but I knew he meant it and it made me smile

I have tons more stories, but want to hear yours.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
This h'yar one time, at band camp ...

Nah, nah, nah. Ah cain't do it! It's too personal.

Mebbe Ah shuld just be thankful ta Hey-soose Crisco thet mebbe thar's a dee-vine reason why Howard Payne Univarsity is located in Brownwood an' thet a whole lotta fine young Baptist gals dun bin raised believin' thet thar still virgins if'n they take it up tha butt an' leave thar poonannies pure an' 'ntact fer marriage. Ah guess mebbe He really duz werk in mysterious ways. An' Ah shore am glad He duz!
Secret_Amore's Avatar
Why don't more people start thought provoking threads?

because this place is over run by people like TOYZ and Whispers (who are pretty much one in the same)
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-07-2014, 08:39 AM
Why don't more people start thought provoking threads?

because this place is over run by people like TOYZ and Whispers (who are pretty much one in the same) Originally Posted by Secret_Amore
I love it that I am so entrenched in your hoggar brain..makes me chuckle with glee.

Now go away & quit fantasizing about me cause its not going to happen...
Because secret amore will chime in and tell you your wrong. And no one cares what she has to say .
Face palm. Doh. Re-read the post & try again people!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Thank you Scarlett, it's so true that graciousness is rare here, I'm happy that you started this thread.

I want to give a rousing Hooray for Men here. Perhaps I'm extremely fortunate, (or crazily selective on whom I spend personal and business time with) or that I'm very naturally kind and romantic and attract that kind of man, but I have NEVER been treated poorly or disrespectfully by men. I have a top notch education because men saw my potential, provided me with good jobs to support myself, opened doors to funding etc so that I could leave with a grad degree without any loans or debts.

In my business life it was men who helped me make contacts, got me involved with the right people, forwarded my cause, developed my acumen, and purchased my product.

Now that my circumstances have drastically changed, it is once again men who are supporting me (yes I am providing a service so they are getting something in return) building me up, loving me, and coming along with me in this aspect of my wild life's journey. My home is filled with flowers and pretty things, every day my inbox and Twitter have something beautiful and encouraging written by men there.

I know that I'm lucky, I know maybe sometime I will run into a very bad man ( hope not ) but until then men have been my backbone and my biggest champions.

Thank you to all the wonderful, chivalrous, bad-ass, men out there. You deserve more credit and worship than you get.
fun2come's Avatar
There are plenty of positive and thought-provoking threads and even ThreADs out there.

Some people just don't get it, and as we are all different what provokes me probably irritates somebody else, wait hmmm, that's both negative, well, there you go. Even the same word can go from something positive to something negative.

It's all seen in the eye of the brain cell holder.
harkontume's Avatar
I provoked a thought once.
( it hurt)
most of us do not patronize this site for 'thought provoking' threads.. we come here to look at naked women and do dirty things to those women!!

My job is thought provoking enough and that is what Facebook is for to post my Opinions to my 'friends' and we debate them without the childish name calling and 7th grade attitudes..
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 04-07-2014, 12:07 PM
More copies of the Globe and Enquirer are sold than Boy's Life.

As F2C pointed out folks perception varies. Then again some just like to play with an OP's mind or words.

I once told a woman that I really liked inuendo. She got upset thinking that was Italian for anal sex.
most of us do not patronize this site for 'thought provoking' threads.. we come here to look at naked women and do dirty things to those women!!

My job is thought provoking enough and that is what Facebook is for to post my Opinions to my 'friends' and we debate them without the childish name calling and 7th grade attitudes.. Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
most of us do not patronize this site for 'thought provoking' threads ... Originally Posted by RALPHEY BOY
How would you know what most of us want? Isn't speaking for yourself sufficient?

I don't think it need be either or: naked pics and ads can comfortably coexist with thoughtful discourse and with threADs and even with Drama.

As to the OP's question: It would seem that a shortage of thought will naturally result in a shortage of thoughtful threads.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-07-2014, 04:23 PM
Slow your roll JY. If I want deep thoughts and expert hoogar commentary on topics such as time planning, high level mathematics, and personal hygiene..
This is where I cum
The answer is simple. View count. After decades perusing these boards there is one constant. Thought provoking threads usually die a quick death with a moderate to relatively low view count because this a fantasy site full of aliases trying to escape the RW.

If a thread is too serious or deep I suspect many hobbyists get bummed out reflecting upon their own lives.

The view count disparity reveals that MOST (Yep I said most) people visit Coed to be entertained rather than to self reflect. The numbers are what they are and my opinion has zilch to do with it.

Pointless soap opera threads tend to last forever and the view count often hits the thousands. Always has. We hate them but yet we watch them. Call it the Jerry Springer effect.

Mongers who start sweet thank you threads get rolled eyes and are generally viewed as nauseating ass kissers. They usually are.

Providers who start thank you threads get rolled eyes and the threads are generally perceived as promotional devices. They usually are.

Knock Whispers and Toyz all you want Amore but simply look at the view count of their threads. People actually read them. Whispers has changed his approach but back in the day he was untouchable when it came to view counts due to his controversial style.
Toyz has a very entertaining board persona. They both display intellect whether or not we agree with their views.

Amore now lets look at your thread view counts and thread responses. Crickets!

I'm not putting you down but numbers don't lie.

People are entertained by intelligent posters matching wits in drama threads.

Far fewer people are entertained by intelligent posters baring their souls in thought provoking threads.

Almost no one is interested in less intelligent posters who start drama threads that is unless intelligent posters start bantering in those threads.

And last but not least less intelligent posters simply don't start thought provoking threads to begin with.