apple cider

Hey folks. Just wanted to warn you. I like apple cider. I bought a big ass jug at HEB. I drank several glasses of it. I also ate healthy food and drank lots of water. Well guess what. I had awful diarrhea. I gooogled "apple cider diarrhea" and it confirmed my suspicions. So enjoy it in moderation.
Okay everyone. Something terrible happened. I had lunch at hill berts on Cameron. The food and.service were fine. But after leaving and walking back to my bike, I was stricken with gas pains. I knew what was next. I ran back inside. The dude working the counter said the bathroom was out back. So I went back. Guess what.... it was locked.

At this point I was frantic. There wasn't enough time to run back in and back out. The sun was shining, middle of the day. Tons of people out. I ran between a dumpster between hillberts and advance auto parts. That as it was gonna get. I defecated. My creation looked like garbanzo beans were left in a blender for 2 hours.

I decided to walk over to mcdonalds to clean up. The place was full of Mexicans, most of whom were screaming kids. A fat Mexican kid beat me to the only stall in the men's bathroom. After 5 minutes of waiting, I gave up. I grabbed a stack of napkins and tried to find somewhere to wipe. After I was done I littered them all over the ground. That area is.always.covered in trash anyway. All black and Hispanic neighborhoods are.strewn with litter anyway. Hey, when ind Rome, do as Romans do right?