"Girls" on HBO

So is anyone familiar with the new show Girls on HBO?

I am in love with that show.

Although there are many great things to discuss about the show, and they are welcome here; I'm more curious what all of the fat girl haters think about the chubby-not-so-hollywood-look of the main character. I personally notice a lot more fat people in productions these days. It's great, but I don't think one thing or another about that. However, a fat homely look'n chick as a lead role, getting groped by her boss man, and showing her chubby ass body in sex scenes? On a primetime cable network? What?
This is just off the chain.

(disclaimer: this paragraph is purely for shock value and also in a Chris Rock voice)
I don't know if skinny chicks are getting eaten up by all the fat chicks, or if the skinny chicks are like fuck it, if you can't beat 'em join 'em, or if the world is coming to an end; but fat chicks are on t.v now. Naked and shit! Now rate that, on your Neilsen box.

With that, scripts are always written so the audience falls in love with the main protagonist. You can't help but fall in love with this chubby girl. She is the best. She is so confident and funny, and just awesome! You'll see. Give it a go, Girls on HBO. Maybe you will rethink what you find attractive. Maybe even actually find a girl that actually likes you for you and vise versa. Homely chicks need love too! BTW they make the hottest girl in the bunch to be a real bitch.

Just a little food for though for my little spinner-mongers.

Your ever-contraversial,


P.S. I wont start another thread but I must say, Joan from Mad Men (not the ones on this board) *LAST WEEK EPISODE SPOILER ALERT* is such a P-I-M-P! She said, Ok, you want this pussy "I WANT (1/5th) EDDDD-YYYYY!" Now that company is going to be named Sterling, Cooper, Drapper, Price, aaaaaaand, that hot-ass-big-'ol-red-headed-pimp named Joan. Yeah buddy! I BOW DOWN to Joan. I pray she doesn't fail me. She hasn't yet.
I'd even let that broad slap me.
Fuck it, I'm even going to get that red wig now.
The star is also the lead writer, and I believe director as well. Food for thought .

That being said, I find the show hilarious. The "monkey-like" boyfriend takes the cake for me, particularly in the early episodes.
This isn't directed at you cyrick; but yes, thought with a t at the end. My bad.

You know, fat chicks give a mean blow job . I mean, it's just got to be the only reason HBO put her on. Right?

That being said, I find the show hilarious. The "monkey-like" boyfriend takes the cake for me, particularly in the early episodes. Originally Posted by cyrick
Which boy friend? The emo kid that is up the pretty chicks ass singing sad songs about her, or the fat chicks fuck-buddy? Either way I'd do 'em both. I think the fuck-buddy one would be the best one.
This isn't directed at you cyrick; but yes, thought with a t at the end. My bad.

You know, fat chicks give a mean blow job . I mean, it's just got to be the only reason HBO put her on. Right?

Which boy friend? The emo kid that is up the pretty chicks ass singing sad songs about her, or the fat chicks fuck-buddy? Either way I'd do 'em both. I think the fuck-buddy one would be the best one. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
Was referring to the fuck-buddy. The first couple of episodes their "intimate" scenes were epic .

And yes, I know. Chicks of all sizes can indeed give a mean blow job. Over the course of my many lives I have had the pleasure of many different shapes and sizes . You'd be amazed (or maybe not) how easy (and downright decadent) spending 4 years as a bartender can be. I remember nights where I got off work and called phone numbers I found in my tip jar that I didn't know who they belonged to. Led to some unforgettable (good and bad) nights and mornings. But I digress.

Great show IMO. I watched it with a similar angle that you intimated in your post until I realized that Ms. Dunham was the creator and writer. It kind of puts a different spin on things. Not knocking your premise, just laying out the facts.
Yes Adam, I love that guy! He is my kind of sexy-akwardness.

You have to give it to the girl though. I can tell she really knows men by the way she writes/directs their laments, monologs, and jerk-off sessions, especially this weeks episode. I think it's brilliant.

So really, all you have to do is put your # in the tip jar? Well alright!
I don't know from experience, but I'm sure all sizes of women give great BJs.
If they don't there is this book The Ultimate Guide to Fellatio. I haven't read it in 8 years or so but once you read it it's like riding a bike, all you need is practice.
I was just making a gab at a comment I read earlier this week, lot's of fat chick talk in co-ed.

Yes, sometimes it was that easy. Honestly, I usually knew who I was calling, but sometimes, I'd get a note that I had no idea who it came from (or I thought I was calling someone who ended up being someone else). When I was working downtown, there were quite a few after hours clubs to hit up after I got off (not sure if that is still the case). At that point in my life there was not much left to lose. Probably more info than is needed, but I'm reminiscing. Those were the days. My life is tame comparing to those years. For the record, some girls give pretty crappy BJs.

I'm actually about to put on Sunday's episode, as I couldn't watch it. Let's just say that I didn't make it through my other Sunday shows as I was forcibly distracted, in a good way . And yes, she writes very well. The show is well put together. Personally, I'm attracted to Jemima Kirke's character, but I think it is because she reminds me of someone who left a mark on me, so to speak. If you like her writing, there is a movie called "Tiny Furniture", that came out a couple of years ago that you might enjoy.
I love Girls! But then HBO has never had a series that I didn't watch religiously. From The Chris Rock show (funniest shit ever when it was on) to The Sopranos to Boardwalk Empire (my fav) to Girls, they are the best thing on television! I even occassionally like to catch an episode of Bill Maher
Oh and I love that Shoshanna smoked crack at the party! Hilarious!
Thanks for the recommendation cyrick. If Lena is there, I'm there.
You are probably "pissing" you pants right now laughing at this weeks episode.

Oh yes Nia, and her name is just ridiculous. My first born daughter's middle name is now going to be Shoshanna. I wonder what happened to her skirt.

Yeah HBO has some good stuff. You can't forget Def comedy and Def. poets.
But what about True Blood. Blah! Except that one guy. You know which one I'm talking about.
I did really like True Blood when it came out...but last season was so SciFi I was disappointed. Oh well...I'm waiting for Boardwalk to start anyway.
Now that company is going to be named Sterling, Cooper, Drapper, Price, aaaaaaand, that hot-ass-big-'ol-red-headed-pimp named Joan. Originally Posted by Ebony Jasmine Love Austin
R.I.P. Mr. Price. Thank god it wasn't any of the others. I love those characters too much.

I just watched Betty White's Off Their Rocker for the first time today.
I just love crass old people.
If you think I talk a lot of shit now imagine all the shit I'll be talking when I'm a granny. Lord help us all!
What about Rosanne and that Nel Carter in her comedy. Big chicks have always been on tv. Even the supposed hot chick in facts of life was a thicker girl. Molly in Mike an Molly, Hell I could go on all day.

Never seen Girls on HBO, just let it go on my tv package so won't be seeing it anytime soon unless I watch it on dish online.
Yeah but none of them were getting butt naked on the tele.

Homer, just check it out. You will be thanking me later. It's quite entertaining and humorous.
But naked big chicks, I think you know my answer to that. I remember that lady from Harry's law (another big chick lead) Kathy Bates getting naked in a hot tub with Jack Nicholson in about Schmidt. Lot's of big chick leads in drama shows (especially law shows)

Can't really anyway since I don't have hbo unless I can catch on hulu or something like it. So many good shows, so little time. Gave up on all the showtime and hbo shows since I only have it intermittently and hate to get into them and then bam, no more.
But naked big chicks, I think you know my answer to that.

hulu or something like it. Originally Posted by homer13
No I don't know your answer to that.

You can watch pretty much any series online these days.
I haven't paid for cable in years. When I did, there were so many channels, I often find myself looking for something to watch more so than actually watching anything.