Funny ads

Maybe it's just the language barrier or too much crack but sometimes I crack up at the errors in providers ads. Like: 'I will pamper and soil you'. Sorry, not into scat! Or 'body to bony massage' (or is that what a boner is called in Asia?). Saw a ad for 'Litter Corner Spa' in Las Lunas. If that's not a typo, maybe lots of trash on the street or the corner where all the cats crap? Got any more?

I always thought this one was pretty funny. Teanna Trump is a very successful adult film actress. And the ad has every single activity possible listed from greek to water sports. I always wondered if there’s actually people that are so disconnected from reality to think that a millionaire pornstar would travel to Albuquerque to let strangers pee on them.
There was an ad on STG that I thought was pretty funny
This woman was advertising her services and at the end she put "come nut on my son"
I thought that was a little gross but funny
You're right, funny but twisted!