Powder Room

LilRed's Avatar
Ummmmm, I know im out of state and all, but where did the powder room go? Did I miss something? I posted an alert last night. Now all my posts in there are not showing up under my statistics of posts either.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I have a penis, therefore I am not allowed to know anything about the powder room, sorry. I think Lea can answer that one for ya
LilRed's Avatar
Thanks, I sent her an PM. I have also gotten PM's from other providers asking me where it went, so at least I know it's not just me.

PS....glad to know you have a penis!! LOL...I don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Outdoorsman's Avatar
When you come to New Orleans I will have to show first hand, LilRed!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohoooo yall get a room...lol{can i watch???}
LilRed's Avatar
Outdoorsman, I look forward to your penis....and not just you showing it to me!!!!!!!!!

On another note, the individual city powder rooms has been closed. We only have the national one on the HOME page.
LilRed's Avatar
Thanks Lea... problem finally fixed.