EVICTIONS?Bad credit? keeping you from being able to rent apt or house?

I may have a quick (legal) fix. If you have a need please PM me.
I'm pretty busy, so no time for haters or negativity.
pls pm info
Gotyour6's Avatar
Why is it when they ask you to PM them you then ask them to PM you?
Brook Cumings's Avatar
Yes in need
No joke. Not sure how to use pms but know a place I want in December. PM pls and I'll figure it out! Lol
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Just a FYI.. Once a year you can get a free credit report.


You can contest everything that is on your credit report.

The businesses have a certain amount of time to reply. If they do not reply or if they fail to provide the proper documents, the debt will be taken off of your credit report.

It does take time to build your score back up, but start with this simple step.
No joke. Not sure how to use pms but know a place I want in December. PM pls and I'll figure it out! Lol Originally Posted by CourtneyOva

I have had several clients regerstered members tell me the same thing they HAVE NEVER PM's anyone? really how hard could it be?