Trump asks for $1.25 Bn to fight Coronvirus

BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Your fearless leader, not mine, has gone cap in hand to Congress for $$$ to fight the potential pandemic that originated in China. Coronavirus.
He’s asking for $1.25bn which is part of a $2.5bn package to fight the virus.
What he omits to say is that he’s virtually wiped out the funding for the CDC and this country, from day one, because of his incompetence the US has no functioning national healthcare system to fight this kind of epidemic. That’s what you get when you give massive tax cuts to the greedy rich, and you surround yourself with a bunch of YES men. Screw everyone else.
Total incompetence and stupidly on his part.
He’s left us all vulnerable to catch the illness but do you think he cares.
His arrogance and bone headed decisions will cost us dearly down the road.
On top of that he’s allowed folks with the confirmed virus to enter the country unabated from the worst hit parts of China. Up to 100 cases have been confirmed and rising. Are you folks got health insurance. You’re gonna need it. Oh wow, he sure likes to create a monster F**k up. He’s also trying to steal funds dedicated to fight the Ebola outbreak. Ha, no surprise there.
Maybe he should stop bragging about how wonderful he is and the lop sided economy and do something that makes sense. Do your effing job Trump. Lives will be lost.
Does he have a plan? Nope. Real leaders are not this reckless or clueless.
Luckily the House will provide the funds but as usual it’s too little too late. His ego gets in the way, too busy trying to line his own pockets no doubt.
Know it all Trump just doesn’t give a rats. It’s all about him him and him.
Hey maybe he can ask his buddy Putin to chip in seeing that Vlad wants his Useful Idiot in the WH for 4 more yrs. the longer he stays the worse it’s going to get.
Clay Media's Avatar
Fighting disease is racist!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your fearless leader, not mine, has gone cap in hand to Congress for $$$ to fight the potential pandemic that originated in China. Coronavirus.
He’s asking for $1.25bn which is part of a $2.5bn package to fight the virus.
What he omits to say is that he’s virtually wiped out the funding for the CDC and this country, from day one, because of his incompetence the US has no functioning national healthcare system to fight this kind of epidemic. That’s what you get when you give massive tax cuts to the greedy rich, and you surround yourself with a bunch of YES men. Screw everyone else.
Total incompetence and stupidly on his part.
He’s left us all vulnerable to catch the illness but do you think he cares.
His arrogance and bone headed decisions will cost us dearly down the road.
On top of that he’s allowed folks with the confirmed virus to enter the country unabated from the worst hit parts of China. Up to 100 cases have been confirmed and rising. Are you folks got health insurance. You’re gonna need it. Oh wow, he sure likes to create a monster F**k up. He’s also trying to steal funds dedicated to fight the Ebola outbreak. Ha, no surprise there.
Maybe he should stop bragging about how wonderful he is and the lop sided economy and do something that makes sense. Do your effing job Trump. Lives will be lost.
Does he have a plan? Nope. Real leaders are not this reckless or clueless.
Luckily the House will provide the funds but as usual it’s too little too late. His ego gets in the way, too busy trying to line his own pockets no doubt.
Know it all Trump just doesn’t give a rats. It’s all about him him and him.
Hey maybe he can ask his buddy Putin to chip in seeing that Vlad wants his Useful Idiot in the WH for 4 more yrs. the longer he stays the worse it’s going to get. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

no worries mate! yous can just go to the UK and wait 6 years for an appointment with that wonderful National Healthcare Service yous have!
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Read the Constitution, congress controls the money. So why haven't they already advanced the money? Democrats too busy with Russian collusion 2.0? By the for prevention at the CDC has INCREASED by 82% over the last three years. You lied. Troll is too nice a term for you, you're a demagogue. You hurt people with lies.
  • oeb11
  • 02-26-2020, 09:03 AM
The ever feckless Schumer has refused to support trump's bill for emergency research into vacccine and cure for corona virus because "it is not enough" - when the real reason is his TDS and Trump hatred.

Schumer would rather have Americans die than support a NON-Political bill to address a potential world-wide pandemic.

The Leaders in the CDC and NIH - Antony Fauci, and others - are medical professionals - not political appointees.

Schumer is shameless in doing anything to hurt Trump - yet embarasses only himself and his screeching DPST's. If he succeeds in stopping funding for coronavirus research - it will arrive - and with no tratment - Schumer is an older individual and will likely be at risk for severe corona virus infection.

Hope he enjoys dying - hoist on His own Petard.

DPST's - just feckless hacks.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Tip top notch leaderships boys!

The US of Eh could be taking the lead on this.

But no...
bambino's Avatar
Tip top notch leaderships boys!

The US of Eh could be taking the lead on this.

But no... Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Taking the lead on what YOUS stupid pig?
HedonistForever's Avatar
The Democrats see one last chance to bring down Trump, hopping that the Corona virus brings down the US economy! You thought praying for a recession was bad, how about praying for disease to help win an election. It doesn't get any more despicable than that and guess who was the first to chime in with it.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-26-2020, 12:43 PM
If prayers worked Trump would not have been elected dog catcher...

So while people dying is must not forget the bright side to tragedy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Taking the lead on what YOUS stupid pig? Originally Posted by bambino

for once the hummer is right! the US Should take the lead! we'll just break out that secret stash of neutron bombs Ronnie Raygun had made and irradiate China! problem solved! think of it .. 1.5 billion less to spoil mother Gaia, little Gretatard will rejoice! much less pollution! our enemy wiped out in one fell swoop! the markets will soar! Lord Trump triumphs again!

Your fearless leader, not mine, has gone cap in hand to Congress for $$$ to fight the potential pandemic that originated in China. Coronavirus.
He’s asking for $1.25bn which is part of a $2.5bn package to fight the virus.
What he omits to say is that he’s virtually wiped out the funding for the CDC and this country, from day one, because of his incompetence the US has no functioning national healthcare system to fight this kind of epidemic. That’s what you get when you give massive tax cuts to the greedy rich, and you surround yourself with a bunch of YES men. Screw everyone else.
Total incompetence and stupidly on his part.
He’s left us all vulnerable to catch the illness but do you think he cares.
His arrogance and bone headed decisions will cost us dearly down the road.
..... Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
So what should President Trump do Kriss?

Your characterizations are hilarious. There's never been a "functioning national healthcare system" even under Obama. Yeah, we are "all at risk." It's called "breathing."

Again, what should President Trump do Kriss?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-26-2020, 12:49 PM
So what should President Trump do Kriss?

Your characterizations are hilarious. There's never been a "functioning national healthcare system" even under Obama. Yeah, we are "all at risk." It's called "breathing."

Again, what should President Trump do Kriss? Originally Posted by gnadfly
He should tweet about Rodger Stone!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He should tweet about Rodger Stone! Originally Posted by WTF

Nuke China NOW! problem solved. the world is saved.

bambino's Avatar
Nuke China NOW! problem solved. the world is saved.

BAHHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Bloomberg won’t let him.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-26-2020, 02:13 PM
Nuke China NOW! problem solved. the world is saved.

BAHHAHAHAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
If China goes....there goes Trump 2020.