Does anyone know how to save a flash pic on a web page?

I'm decently computer savvy. right click on a pic to save .jpg's, .gif's, .png's, etc...

But I have run into some flash pics that I wished I could save, but do not know a way to do so.

Some of the adult friend finder pics on the ads on this site are flash pics. Screen cap does not save the animation. No-script does not seem to have any effect.

got any ideas?

Thank in advance.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Another and fairly robust way is to use IDM (Internet Download Manager) to download a Flash segment or the entire Flash movie. I've downloaded Flash movies up to 2 hours long with IDM, and there are plenty of utilities around that will take the result and write it to a DVD for you as well if you want. The IDM home page is at:
I will check those out. Thank you, kind folks.