Surprised this hasn't been posted yet....

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-27-2014, 08:22 PM

First, this is a tragedy for both the victim and the girl.

But beyond that, a serious question: does this change your thoughts on guns? For me it makes no change on my thoughts about "ownership", but how young is too young from a safty perspective, and since we legislate certain levels of safety for cars (age for a drivers license being but one), does/how this carry over to guns? Does this change any of that?
RandB fan's Avatar
Sounds to me like the instructor failed to do his job and follow guidelines for keeping the firearm under control. When all is said and done I think the child is the one you should be concerned about This will leave a scar on her emotionally for the rest of her life because she should have been spotted and the firearm kept under control I did notice he had his hand on the bottom of the gun in video?. .
What a way to remember your family vacation. My prayers to the victim's family and hers

Did you notice she hit the target so it wasn't her first rodeo.
Sounds typical Arizona bull shit letting a nine year old from the east fire a fully automatic weapon.
No this incident doesn't change my opinion on guns. I feel terrible for the little girl. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have to live with what happened, especially at such a young age.

The parents are complete morons. If they want to let their daughter learn how to shoot, I say that is terrific, but for fuck's sake, start her on a gun that appropriate to her size and strength, not a fully automatic Uzi!!

And to be blunt, I don't care how conscientious the instructor was every other day of his life. On THIS day, he was a moron who failed to position himself correctly behind the girl, and failed to maintain control of the situation.
I feel sorry for the girl. The adults that should have been looking out for her weren't.

As for the guy? Darwinism at work.

What on earth would make someone think that firing an Uzi on full auto would be a good thing for a 9 year old to be doing?

At what age do you stop? 7? 5? When they are still in diapers?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The instructor was at fault. As I watched the video I kept wondering when he was going to get behind the shooter, but he never did. Doesn't change anything for me.
I learned how to shoot a shotgun at 5 years old, had my first 20 Gauge at 9 yrs old, got my first 7mm Remington Mag Left Handed with the Leopold high power scope at 12 years old. Not once have I had any such issues. Its not the girls fault, or the Parents. I blame the Instructor

My father was very strict when it came to guns. He taught me at 4 years old GUNS are not toys. I will never forget he beat my ass when I was in 7th grade for bringing a loaded gun into the Deer camp.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar

First, this is a tragedy for both the victim and the girl.

But beyond that, a serious question: does this change your thoughts on guns? For me it makes no change on my thoughts about "ownership", but how young is too young from a safty perspective, and since we legislate certain levels of safety for cars (age for a drivers license being but one), does/how this carry over to guns? Does this change any of that?
Originally Posted by Old-T
From a safety perspective, I think she was too young. Her parents should have been involved in her gradual progression up the chain of difficulty. Automatics tend to be prone to that sort of problem, and the instructor should have been more cautious. I could see a law restricting automatics to no one under 16, but every situation is different. It really shows how the government just can't stop every bad thing from happening, so the price of freedom is messy and painful, and this is one manifestation of it.
Clearly, 16 year old drivers cause more death and mayhem than 9 year old girls with guns.
What is really sad though, is that this isn't the first time something like this has happened. There was an incident several years ago where an 8 year old boy was allowed to shoot an Uzi at a gun show. The gun recoiled and the boy lost control of it, and accidentally shot himself in the head.

One would think that one cautionary tale would be enough.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-28-2014, 09:44 AM
. It really shows how the government just can't stop every bad thing from happening, so the price of freedom is messy and painful, and this is one manifestation of it.
Clearly, 16 year old drivers cause more death and mayhem than 9 year old girls with guns. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Finally your slave fucking ass said something intelligent.....explain that concept to boardman and LexusLiar as it pertains to ISIS.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-28-2014, 09:46 AM
What is really sad though, is that this isn't the first time something like this has happened. There was an incident several years ago where an 8 year old boy was allowed to shoot an Uzi at a gun show. The gun recoiled and the boy lost control of it, and accidentally shot himself in the head.

One would think that one cautionary tale would be enough. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Are you wanting the government to do something or not?
No. It is the parents who are the morons. It is not the government's job to save people from their own stupidity.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-28-2014, 11:02 AM
No. It is the parents who are the morons. It is not the government's job to save people from their own stupidity. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
agreed....though the slippery slope is always saving the child from ignorant parents.
agreed....though the slippery slope is always saving the child from ignorant parents. Originally Posted by WTF
Holy shit. I didn't think that was possible

BT-dub, I'm fucking with you. Our politics really aren't that far apart, but smart assery doesn't always come through very well on the internet.