I Would LOVE To Help

Hey Ladies and Gents of LA,
I know a lot of ya'll can't get to the computer and my heart breaks for all that have lost everything in this crazy weather. I want to do something to help. Louisiana has been good to me for many years and I feel the need to help. I have already donated a few items to those traveling to Louisiana to help. But I feel like I need to do more,but what I am not sure what else I can do.
Anyone with ideas that I haven't thought of or just suggestions please let me know or your welcome to PM me.

I wish all of you the best!! Sending my prayers and love!!

albundy's Avatar
Best bet is to find a church group making a run to the areas hit by the flood. I'm sure there is one in your area. Whenever there is a major disaster down here, church groups flock down here with volunteers, food, and supplies. Buy some canned good, toiletries, cleaning supplies like mops and things, and clothes and donate them to a group making a run down to the flood zone. Those church groups do amazing work.

Also, you can't go wrong with Red Cross. They are here after every flood with food and supplies.

I was fortunate enough to not have to deal with the flood waters this time, but I've been through it before. Those groups help out A LOT.
Wiley64's Avatar
You are a sweetheart Nikki. I know you are always doing something like you drives during the holidays.
Agree with Al
The link below is to local station which details needs and volunteer opportunities.
Very kind of you Nikki. You can make a contribution to the American Red Cross and specify that it goes to the Louisiana flooding. The Red Cross is already in the homeless shelters doing good things.
Came here to get my mind of the disaster that is my house now in BR. Thank you so much for your thoughts. The outpouring of support has been overwhelming. Never thought I'd get support for this on Eccie.
Marshpirate's Avatar
As stated above, donate to the charity of your choice. If you are near a disaster area, volunteer with The Red Cross. The Baptists and Methodists are fantastic at disaster response. They would appreciate the help. If anyone needs help or info, pm me. I'm a volunteer in the Acadiana area. Hey, this site is all about love and compassion right? Nothing trumps helping your fellow human.
I appreciate everyone's input! There has been a few groups from the Dallas area who went and helped and I was happy to donate as much as I could think of.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thank you Miss Nikki.