President Rapist

beelzebubba's Avatar
Looks like the rapist and chief gets to remain a defendant, no matter how the fat bastard tries to wiggle out. All his little tricks to use the tax payers money and the justice department won’t be enough to save his ass. If he doesn’t go down as a rapist, there’s always the tax evasion
At least now the broke ass bastard will have to scrape up the dinero to defend himself. lol
Poor broke ass Donnie.

White House to the Big House lol it’s only fitting, the ratings will be spectacular.
  • Tiny
  • 10-27-2020, 09:55 AM
I think she made it up. But yeah he's going to be a lightning rod for every Democratic prosecutor looking to make a name for himself and every woman who thinks she can squeeze some money out of him.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
I think she made it up. But yeah he's going to be a lightning rod for every Democratic prosecutor looking to make a name for himself and every woman who thinks she can squeeze some money out of him. Originally Posted by Tiny
Really? You think she made it up? Trump admitted to having sex with porn stars (and got caught trying to cover it up}. He bragged about how he would "grab 'em by the pussy". He said he'd date his daughter, if she wasn't his daughter.

He's a sexual deviant, and predator. Just like you, and I. He brought the criticism all on himself.
Looks like the rapist and chief gets to remain a defendant, no matter how the fat bastard tries to wiggle out. All his little tricks to use the tax payers money and the justice department won’t be enough to save his ass. If he doesn’t go down as a rapist, there’s always the tax evasion
At least now the broke ass bastard will have to scrape up the dinero to defend himself. lol
Poor broke ass Donnie.

White House to the Big House lol it’s only fitting, the ratings will be spectacular. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
If they didn't get Bill Clinton on that sort of shit they won't get anyone.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I think she made it up. But yeah he's going to be a lightning rod for every Democratic prosecutor looking to make a name for himself and every woman who thinks she can squeeze some money out of him. Originally Posted by Tiny
Really? You think she made it up? Trump admitted to having sex with porn stars (and got caught trying to cover it up}. He bragged about how he would "grab 'em by the pussy". He said he'd date his daughter, if she wasn't his daughter.

He's a sexual deviant, and predator. Just like you, and I. He brought the criticism all on himself. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
yes she made it up.

first off, the supposed incident took place at a luxury store. if you knew anything about shopping there, a customer is never alone in the store. there is a salesperson accompanying the customer and tends to their needs. Donald would never have been allowed in the women's changing room. there would be witnesses, I don't think she has any collaborating witnesses to the "supposed" rape.

in an interview with CNN's andersen about the alleged rape, she says rape is sexy.

who says rape is sexy???

sounds like a bat shit crazy bitch.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm glad our President had sex with women. I'm also glad he admitted it.

I can still remember those words: "I did not have sex with that woman."

But he was probably thinking of that one when he said it.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Bill Clinton was liked, Donald Trump is hated.
Clinton tried to unite, Trump only divides.
Clinton left people in a good economy with 0 deficit.
Trump destroying America and left it in the worst deficit ever.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah just more B>S fake flakie news
  • oeb11
  • 10-28-2020, 09:15 AM
Fake news and goebbels propaganda from the tiny demon who is blinded by XiNN propaganda
Both on financial theft and 'rape'
Tiny demons and DPST's only hear what they want - and have no commons sense or appreciation for Facts and Truth
such a sad way to live - blinded and beholden to Comrade Zi- as is Biden - bought and owned by Comrade Xi and the CCP.
elect biden - for a Chinese totalitarian marxist regime in America!

Poor deluded tiny demons!
pleasurem's Avatar
Men in power get more sex!!!
I'll weigh in here. Many presidents have had extramarital "encounters" over the years. Prior do social media, cellphone cameras, overly ambitious newspeople, etc., it was much easier to pull off. By the nature of this site, no one here can be too critical without being a hypocrite. Remember, the number one rule here, when caught, is Deny, Deny, Deny, which is exactly what Clinton did. His sin was lying to Congress in response to a question that shouldn't have been asked. Personally, I don't think questions regarding any President's "fidelity" should be asked UNLESS related to national security or violation of law. That is Mr. Trumps problem, though: potential campaign finance violation, potential Russian influence (I carefully said potential), etc. For a supposedly smart man with expert legal advisors, I can't understand why he didn't just personally and quietly "gift" Stormy with his Rolls or some other asset she could turn into cash rather than leave the trail he did.
Bill Clinton was liked, Donald Trump is hated.
Clinton tried to unite, Trump only divides.
Clinton left people in a good economy with 0 deficit.
Trump destroying America and left it in the worst deficit ever. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
I don't think the women he Raped and Sexually Assaulted liked him much.
"I don't think the women he Raped and Sexually Assaulted liked him much."

This is so easy: That presupposes that the women in question (Didn't say raped or assaulted) with Mr. Trump like him?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Really? You think she made it up? Trump admitted to having sex with porn stars (and got caught trying to cover it up}. He bragged about how he would "grab 'em by the pussy". He said he'd date his daughter, if she wasn't his daughter.

He's a sexual deviant, and predator. Just like you, and I. He brought the criticism all on himself. Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
First, the sexual deviant sounds a lot like Joe Biden. Second, and try to get this straight, Trump did NOT say he grabbed them by the upset. What he said was women come to Hollywood and let themselves be grabbed by the pussy. Trump has no power in Hollywood. Some feminists like Camille Lapaglia agreed with Trump.
Barleycorn- Please show me proof to substantiate your statement. All I can find is that you can as long as you take a Tic Tac first (good advice, by the way). I think an apology was even issued (sort of). Dude, we here all think alike, why deny it? Might work on Christian Science Monitor, but doesn't pass the sniff test here.