Rounding The Corner

beelzebubba's Avatar
Fucking delusional asshole Donald Trump!
Why would anyone support this lying piece of shit, creeping up on 100,000 per day. 90,000 current

Current trajectory 32,850,000 annual coming your way.
Seriously look at ^^^^^^^^^^^

And it just spreads more as more infected infect others.

131,400,000 with 4 more years.
That’s not the world over multiple years, that’s Trump’s America in 4 years.

One hundred and thirty million +
HedonistForever's Avatar
Fucking delusional asshole Donald Trump!
Why would anyone support this lying piece of shit, creeping up on 100,000 per day. 90,000 current

Current trajectory 32,850,000 annual coming your way.
Seriously look at ^^^^^^^^^^^

And it just spreads more as more infected infect others.

131,400,000 with 4 more years.
That’s not the world over multiple years, that’s Trump in 4 years.

One hundred and thirty million + Originally Posted by beelzebubba

Simple but serious question. What will Joe Biden do to stop the spread of the virus that Trump isn't doing besides speech making? Please, a serious answer. Let's see if it's possible to have a serious debate.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Listen to medical and science communities.
Mask mandate.
Not deny and lie... hopefully
Not divide us as a county, alienate us from the world.
Provide cooperation
I know the current path... it’s a bad bet
The unknown is a possible chance
If you’re gonna gamble... take the better bet
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Simple but serious question. What will Joe Biden do to stop the spread of the virus that Trump isn't doing besides speech making? Please, a serious answer. Let's see if it's possible to have a serious debate. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Here is Biden's official response:

I am sure Biden will rely more on input from scientists who are well versed in infectious diseases. He would not rely on people like Dr. Scott Atlas.

- President Donald Trump brought Dr. Scott Atlas, a vocal anti-lockdown critic, onto his coronavirus task force in August.

- Atlas is a healthcare-policy expert who works at the Hoover Institute, a conservative think tank at Stanford University. He is not an infectious-disease expert.

- Yet according to reports, Trump is sidelining other public-health experts while hearing Atlas' advice, and not spending money earmarked for a widespread testing program because Atlas is against expanded testing.

- Atlas also appears to be worrying top US health experts: CDC Director Robert Redfield was overheard saying "everything" Atlas says "is false," and Fauci said he worried Atlas was giving "incorrect" information to the president.

I also believe Biden will be more upfront than Trump on the virus. We have not turned any corner. We are not weeks away from having a vaccine available.

There is also the possibility that Biden would institute a requirement for everyone to wear face masks in public, again depending on input from scientists.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The politico's can't do shit except use it as to throw down on each other, which they do.
There's only two choices:
Keep everyone home and destroy the economy, or try to do the balance things (masks and partially open).

IMO, everyone should have masks handy and except for being with your housing group of folks, if within 10 feet of others, be the bandito.

Testing doesn't do anything except confirm if someone has it. And btw, testing places are totally buried with folks with common colds thus a total waste of resources.

It's up to the lab geeks to come up with a medical solution.
And btw, any and all of the immunization vaccines in development, will be of limited use as the antibody fall off rate is now well documented. Thus, we're currently looking booster shots every 6 months regardless of which vaccine hits the mass market first.
The British lab folks have a good handle on the antibody issue, and even their "oxford" developing vaccine (being tested in the Kansas City area) has that limitation.

Last a reminder of the other nasty things still around that they lab geeks have not been able to eradicate:

Typhoid Fever - This is the disease that the "carrier" "typhoid Mary" resulted in court cases where in she ended up in isolation. It's variations of laws enacted since then and other court cases that have resulted in today's laws actively in use for the current Covid.

Tuberculosis (since ancient times), well know cases are Edgar Allen Poe and Eleanor Roosevelt.

Scarlet fever
Rabies (since ancient ages, in 2010 Indonesia had 130 people die)

There's more but I need to get a coffee, my point being that some of these the lab geeks have been working on for more than a century and they can't kill off the bugs
HedonistForever's Avatar
Listen to medical and science communities.

And do what exactly?

Mask mandate.

As Joe Biden finally came around to realizing, a President can not mandate that every American wear a mask in any particular situation. I can't believe after all this time, people still don't understand this very fundamental aspect of our laws and Constitution. Biden has said if he becomes President, he will mandate that all "federal agencies" institute a mask mandate. I believe that is already the case. No President can order the schools, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters in any state to close. That is the Governors call, period.

Not deny and lie... hopefully

So you want to have the President decide for you what you should know and believe? You aren't capable of independent thought and the ability to do research on what is true and not true, what will help you or not help you? I for one can think for myself and even though I am voting for Trump, I wear a mask anytime I will be around people at the grocery store, Home Depot, etc. I do not need my President to give me instructions on what to do day by day. But that's just me.

Not divide us as a county, alienate us from the world.

I'm not a big believer in "following the world". I think the UN is the most worthless organization ever invented. It wasn't always but it is now. I think demanding that our NATO allies pay their fair share, a number they agreed to, shows leadership and if that "alienates them" fuck them, they need us and Trump knows it. I think coming down on China is long over do.

As for dividing us, nothing divides us more than the "identity politics" the Democrats play.

Provide cooperation

You mean agree with everything you say and want? That's your idea of co-operation? Doesn't co-operation include what I want?

I know the current path... it’s a bad bet

In your opinion and you are entitled to it as I am entitled to mine.

The unknown is a possible chance

And it has an equal chance of failure or do you completely dismiss that possibility? The Democrats platform will radically change this country on energy, education, foreign policy and IMHO, not for the better.

If you’re gonna gamble... take the better bet Originally Posted by beelzebubba

Which is exactly what I did in voting for Conservative policies put forth by Trump and Republicans.
Fucking delusional asshole Donald Trump!
Why would anyone support this lying piece of shit, creeping up on 100,000 per day. 90,000 current

,,,,, Originally Posted by beelzebubba
We get it: You hate Donald Trump. You hate his followers maybe more.

There's no need to open the same thread multiple times a day.

Welcome to ignore. Something tells me you are already on my ignore list under another handle.
Lapdog's Avatar
We get it: You hate Donald Trump. You hate his followers maybe more.

There's no need to open the same thread multiple times a day.

Welcome to ignore. Something tells me you are already on my ignore list under another handle. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Some things just bear repeating, Gnadfly, especially to the ignorant. That's what your ignore button is for.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
OP wants to lock it down. What a boot licking faggot.

BTW T R U M P has been saying this exact thing since April.
beelzebubba's Avatar
Better than the dick sucking idiot faggot above.
beelzebubba's Avatar
We get it: You hate Donald Trump. You hate his followers maybe more.

There's no need to open the same thread multiple times a day.

Welcome to ignore. Something tells me you are already on my ignore list under another handle. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Good stay off my thread you ignorant fuck.
I have never b started a thread about covid cases you Trump loving cocksucker.

What kind of idiotic dipshit opens threads and comment on shit he doesn’t want to see? A dick sucking Trumps that’s who lol
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Better than the dick sucking idiot faggot above. Originally Posted by beelzebubba
You're a faggot's faggot father's pussy bitch
HedonistForever's Avatar
Here is Biden's official response:

I am sure Biden will rely more on input from scientists who are well versed in infectious diseases. He would not rely on people like Dr. Scott Atlas.

And I'll ask again "and do what"? Shutdown the economy again? See how well that is working around the world? Can you not admit that could be the worst thing we could do?

How about this line in Biden's plan.

Biden believes we must spend whatever it takes, without delay, to meet public health needs and deal with the mounting economic consequences.

And there will be no consequences to "spending what ever it takes"? What if we spend trillions only to discover that none of the expensive measures makes a difference and our economy is in shatters and we finally have to admit that "herd immunity" was the only effective way to go since 99% of the population will survive. A terrible thought yes, to losing so many hundreds of thousands of people but we lose millions of people to hundreds of diseases that we can not control. Prior to Covid, we seem to have realized that. Did we decide to spend what ever it takes to eradicate the flu? Did we spend what ever it takes to eradicate poverty? Why not? Because money, all the money in the world, sometimes can not solve complex problems so we spend "what we can" not what ever it takes. That is what I call a sound monetary philosophy.

- President Donald Trump brought Dr. Scott Atlas, a vocal anti-lockdown critic, onto his coronavirus task force in August.

I am also an anti-lockdown critic ( shouldn't that actually be proponent? ) and I also believe in wearing masks because it might save a live or two and it ain't that big a deal on a temporary basis IMHO.

- Atlas is a healthcare-policy expert who works at the Hoover Institute, a conservative think tank at Stanford University. He is not an infectious-disease expert.

So he should be silenced? No dissenting opinion allowed? Is that the path forward you want to take? Seriously? We will not longer be allowed to hear anything other than official government orthodoxy?

- Yet according to reports, Trump is sidelining other public-health experts while hearing Atlas' advice, and not spending money earmarked for a widespread testing program because Atlas is against expanded testing.

So am I. We have expanded testing exponentially and we are seeing more cases and more deaths so were is the evidence that more testing will stop this trend?

- Atlas also appears to be worrying top US health experts: CDC Director Robert Redfield was overheard saying "everything" Atlas says "is false," and Fauci said he worried Atlas was giving "incorrect" information to the president.

And you have chosen to believe what you want to believe. I would prefer two or more different opinions and I'll choice what I believe not be limited to hearing one side of the story.

I also believe Biden will be more upfront than Trump on the virus. We have not turned any corner. We are not weeks away from having a vaccine available.

Depends on whether we are talking about beginning emergency use which could save lives or general use for millions of people who will either not be infected or not have deadly re-actions.

The regulatory filing for the vaccine could come as soon as safety data is available, possibly in the third week of November, Pfizer said, lifting the company’s shares and the broader U.S. stock market.

The timeline now allows for a possible U.S. authorization of a coronavirus vaccine this year, a key step in controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, which has killed more than a million people and ravaged the global economy.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said earlier this month it wants at least two months of safety data on half of the trial participants before authorizing emergency use of any experimental coronavirus vaccine.

Based on current trial enrollment and dosing in a late-stage trial, Pfizer expects to have that safety data in the third week of November, Chief Executive Officer Albert Bourla said in an open letter posted on the company’s website.

Bourla noted in the letter that the filing depended on several other factors, including initial data on effectiveness that may or may not be available by late October.
He said the company plans to share efficacy data with the public as soon as practical.
There is also the possibility that Biden would institute a requirement for everyone to wear face masks in public, again depending on input from scientists. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

NO, THERE IS NOT THAT POSSIBILITY! Good God people, how many times must this be explained to you? If you want to quote Biden correctly, say that Biden would mandate masks for all people at the federal level. The President can not order states to mandate mask wearing. Biden said he would "encourage" Governor's to mandate mask wearing. It will be up to Governor's to decide these issues just as it has been from day one when Cuomo told Trump that he did not have the authority to issue such mandates.
creeping up on 100,000 per day. 90,000 current Originally Posted by beelzebubba
More cases = good

More deaths = bad

As long as deaths remain down, which they are, cases going up is fine.

What do you think is going to happen when the vaccines go out? It's gonna have maybe 50% efficacy, 20% of the 50% that are ineffective will make the patient sick, and will only last 3-4 months anyways.
beelzebubba's Avatar
I think if the vaccines are as effective as flu vaccines 30% it’s basically not gonna work.
Higher numbers are not good it increases the odds of deaths, basic probability. (get what you are saying though)
Thankfully the doctors are figuring out how to keep more alive.