Facial Recognition: A matter of expression...

Can someone please go find out if this is a permanent expression on this gal? I'm curious if it ever changes (maybe when she takes a bone?). Everytime I see her BP advert I can't help looking at that damn thing and it seems the same on every photo.

I do 100% admit that I'm not brave enough to try it myself but in the spirit of giving and support for the brave soul who will go check, I promise to lead the effort for donations to put your avatar on a milk carton and drink it if you disappear while visiting her.


Geeman76's Avatar
Someone already reviewed this girl a few weeks ago, I remember reading it and it wasn't a good experience for the person who took that chance either.
pyramider's Avatar
Go for it ... what's the worse that could happen?
It's like passing by a car wreck and trying not to look (and failing)... I can't help looking at those photos and wondering wtf?