He has Kenneth Starr defending him with a poor presantion (no Schiff here lol)
on the senate floor. He stalked Clinton for years and allowed coeds to be assulted at Baylor in whacko Texas
How far down low can trump dip?
It's a good day to make America smart again.
Bolton will have to be called to testify and then more threats from the wanna be mob in chief.
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
I can't help but make a brief comment, I'll save a more in depth analysis for my own thread "The Trial of Trump".
You want to talk about impressive? That was impressive but apparently only if you can get passed the messenger which so many people can not do in this and in so many other instances apparently. Forget about who spoke the words and concentrate on the words. In my opinion, McConnell could have called a halt to the proceedings and asked for a vote based on the fact that Starr had just eviscerated the Houses bringing two Un-Constitutional arguments to the Senate. Additional comments will be found in the other thread.
I'll make a prediction and and I'll repeat it. Some Democrat Senators will consider what Starr said about how the Democrats in the House proceeded and will find fault with the process.