Massage and the tummy rug

I am posting this on coed because there may be some gals as well a guys that might be able to give me some input on my question. That is that I have seen massage ladies that I do not know whether or not a HE is an option. I try to be a mannerly guy and look for cues and clues that suggest that it may be fruitful and not offensive if I do something to encourage it. I noticed recently when I got a massage from a nice MILF who advertises as therapeutic only that at the end of the massage,, with me on my back, she rubbed her hand on my tummy right above my wee-wee ( I call it that for a reason). This has happened before with ladies about whom I had no previous knowledge as to offerings. It happened once witih a lady that I had heard offered "benefits" and when she did it I flexed my penis and she asked if I wanted a HE.

Is this tummy rub some means of making an overture without openly coming forth? do they rub your tummy then watch for some type of automatic response then perhaps make an offer? I got to thinking about this and thought I would ask the experts for their input.

This system apparently does not allow one to edid the title. My bad.
sixxbach's Avatar
Yes to does... lick edit and then "go advanced" ... should work
sorry for all the f-ups. J.
nuglet's Avatar
who is this chick "Edit" I'm supposed to lick? I know how to do the "advanced" part.... at least I used to.... LOL
NipLover's Avatar
I suspect that even "accidental" genital contact is not accidental.
Scratches head
OK, aside from the barrage of typos, I am kind of curious about this.

From time to time I'll get a massage with a new therapist in a home studio and once or twice even in a super-legit regular massage kind of place and the therapist will start massaging my, um, lower belly.

Is this some kind of hint?
  • Vyt
  • 11-22-2011, 07:38 PM
OK, since no one else is going to say it apparently.

Legit massage therapists (RMTs) can and *do* lose their license if they get caught giving 'something extra' to someone. RMT licenses are expensive. If you are getting a massage from an RMT do *not* *ever* just assume you've hit the home run special unless you've worked it out with them *clearly* beforehand. No hand signals, no magic rubbing on the belly, nothing save a *very clear* "hey, I already know you really well, how about I tip you an extra $ and we have some fun".

This doesn't apply to FBSM ladies who are unlicensed, just RMTs. FBSM implies, well, FB and S.
Eraserman's Avatar
Someone on a previous board posted the following:

"RMT extra sidenote

not to hijack this thread, but I was told by a provider who was a former RMT that the verbage that RMT's use to let one know that extras may be had is somewhat as follows:

RMT: "Your massage is now complete, is there anything else that I may do for you"?

or some variation of the above... the key thing is that they announce that the massage is over.. which seperates the two transactions... 1) the massage 2) the extra"

I thought it was good to remember so I saved it. Like everything else, it's a possibility, not for sure. Once a long time ago a massage therapist used that phrase with me, but being naive I had no idea what she was talking about and passed.
Every LMT has her own way of doing things. I'm not generally a belly-rubber as many people are uncomfortable having their abdominal area stimulated (it's the seat of the emotions in energy work). I would agree that unless you get a very clear signal of "something more" looming on the horizon, whether a verbal or physical invitation, don't try and push the envelope. Especially if you are in a legit spa - a LMT could be fired for this.

I would say most LMTs need a certain comfort level with a client before progressing to a HE. But if you are going to a LMT with the hopes of coercing her to offer something she is not willing or open to, that is just being a jerk.