Scary Smart-Scary Wonderful

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I posted a slightly different version in the brand new Philadelphia forum but I think it has general application so I am also posting it here.

I was celebrating my fourth anniversary as a monger with the suitably named Legendary Liz We were at the end of the session and she was standing gloriously nude save for her three inch CFM strap on sandals. We were discussing why heels are such a turn on during sex and she blithely lets on that the answer may lie in “Neuro-linguistic Programming.’ This is just after she told me about the “eclectic” crowd in the hotel bar.

I’m thinking “WTF is ’Neuro-linguistic Programming’” and I was blown away by the intellectual nonchalance of this living goddess in casually referencing stuff that I never heard of (well, I know “eclectic”). But it made me realize that the vast majority of the providers who I see verge on the scary smart. It may not be formal book smarts but they are just so aware of themselves and their worlds and have such good tools of expression. It makes me wonder why there are so many providers with such high intellectual capacities? In my limited experience I can point to, in a rough reverse chronological order:

Melanie Samuels

Brenda Boobies

Amanda Taylor and

Crissy Cream

as women who are just flat out smart. And my personal list of these bright broads is much, much longer. Indeed, my lovely guide into the Hobby was the extremely cerebral Sydney Sheridan of Austin.

And then there are ladies such as Carrie Hillcrest and Elizabeth who you know are sharp as tacks from their polished and insightful writings.

Maybe my experience would be different if I saw BP or CL providers, but why should I since this board and other legit review boards have been so successful for me?

Let me end with this note. There is nothing hotter than having some lovely near genius, with her ass in the air, cooing yet ordering, “Give me your cock, right now.”

Your insights are welcome.

P.S. I really don’t want to clutter this thread with discussions of Neuro-linguistic Programming. I won't understand it and it may bore others.
Speed seduction works much better on men than on women; though if you are good with it and not Quasimodo, it can work on women too.

Speed seduction is based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming; and when you think about the hurdles of getting a shy guy out of his undies and laid in less than an hour; the fact that numerous providers have more than a passing familiarity with it is not surprising.

Of the providers I have seen; so far my favorites are an MBA and an anthropologist. I totally dig their brains.

There's another with dual degrees in psychology and finance who is super-familiar with philosophy that I really dig.

One thing I totally can't stand is when women hide their intelligence because they are afraid some men will be intimidated. Hey -- any man who is intimidated isn't worth having, so don't hide your light under a bushel.

I have found that the smarter the woman, the better I enjoy the sex. Some take it to an absolute artform.
Hey -- any man who is intimidated isn't worth having, so don't hide your light under a bushel. Originally Posted by Laurentius
Most providers are only interested in having the man for an hour or two, and only for the $$$. They are not interested in having him long term (except maybe as a repeat), and the hobby tends to discourage repeat clients. (Now, I know I'm going to get flak about this statement, but I think for every provider that is booked with regulars, there are dozens who rely on singles.)

@L - I genuinely like your observations. But on the whole, I think your experiences in the hobby are somewhat unique. It is my POV that women are generally smarter than men, so, in a sense, I agree with you.
@L - I genuinely like your observations. But on the whole, I think your experiences in the hobby are somewhat unique. It is my POV that women are generally smarter than men, so, in a sense, I agree with you. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Research indicates men and women are equally smart on average; but smart in different ways -- on average. As a result, you are likely to see someone who is "differently smart' as being smarter overall.

Yes, my experiences are a bit unique. But I'm a strange bird.

Let me agree that most business is NOT repeat business.

But, on the other hand, most of my hobbying is repeats with the same women. I'm not really in it for variety; more just simple sexual surrogacy. And if I'm going to see a woman for sex, I want her to be someone interesting and admirable.
TheDogger's Avatar
Research indicates men and women are equally smart on average; but smart in different ways -- on average. As a result, you are likely to see someone who is "differently smart' as being smarter overall.

Yes, my experiences are a bit unique. But I'm a strange bird.

Let me agree that most business is NOT repeat business.

But, on the other hand, most of my hobbying is repeats with the same women. I'm not really in it for variety; more just simple sexual surrogacy. And if I'm going to see a woman for sex, I want her to be someone interesting and admirable. Originally Posted by Laurentius
+1 brother...+1