Top 5 obviously fake profiles I wish was real

Alb2209's Avatar

and a bonus.

With the lack of attractive talent around here if not overpriced attractive talent the best thing I can do is dream. Man I miss Cali. Light years better talent for extremely more reasonable rates. I would love to be wrong on one of these but in my opinion they all look and seem obviously fake with experience you can usually have that radar and be right for the most part any of you guys have a top two or three favorites that you wish were real?
BudakaL's Avatar
Your bonus one is on Eros too. Usually pretty real. Just my $.02. Hammer.
August Black's Avatar
Hammer is right:

The background of her pics definitely look like albany.
BudakaL's Avatar
Dr-epg's Avatar
Moved to correct forum
Alb2209's Avatar
based on the style of ad and pics I believe that one is with the Luxe group
semi-related topic, any of you raw-doggers see this one?
Alb2209's Avatar
based on the style of ad and pics I believe that one is with the Luxe group Originally Posted by nygjones38
Yea when I looked up number I seen that. Not familiar with that crew. Are they usually good?
Luxe is massage place, not my thing personally but look in Encounters section for them. Places often open, close, move locations and rinse n repeat, plus doubt you get person in ad, you get whoever working on a particular day.