A Provider Thank You!

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Just wanted to inform all the ladies and gents that a right click protect feature has been implemented to better protect our pictures here on ECCIE. While not full proof, it will stop most of the pic thieves from taking what rightfully belongs only to us AND goes a long way to show that the staff here on ECCIE will work with us and are concerned for our needs. Thank you, St. Christopher for going out of your way to work on this as quickly as you could.

Thank you
St. Chris is the bomb...thanks for looking out for the ladies!
LazurusLong's Avatar
Rather than worry about the photos being copied for some reason, why not make sure you watermark them with your escort name or site or phone number? That way when they get stolen and used elsewhere, the person looking at the ad will call YOU instead of the bait and switch person.
To answer LL's question, it's because of shady sites based in other countries that have been stealing our pics from ECCIE and wording from our bios to create profiles without our consent, and they refuse (in a very RUDE way, to boot) to take them down at our request.

I do agree that watermarking should also be done as an added measure, but I believe they have stolen watermarked pics as well.

See this thread for what prompted this action to be taken. No, it's not fool-proof and the pics can still be stolen if someone really wants them, but it just makes it a little less convenient for 'em.

I'm still not sure how sites like that make any money....it's not like they have a large membership, and they aren't an agency so they aren't getting a cut of the action. How is this profitable??

Anyway, sorry for the hijack. Thanks St. Chris!
LazurusLong's Avatar
ANY publicity is good publicity in this the hobby.

Sure it sucks that those who have posted face photos and retire find them out there.

Ever hear of sites the the way back machine? http://www.archive.org/web/web.php

That site crawls all over the internet and NO, it doesn't need a block like Google spiders can be blocked.

It's an archive of a whole lot of sites.

Is anyone complaining about that site? no. Yes if you go look, i bet you can find escort sites that you have taken down along with photos you'd prefer were never seen again.

ANYTHING posted on the net will be there forever some place.

http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.aspd.net is a link to ASPD prior to Sept 2005. Not all data is there but an awful lot of data IS there.

this new site is one tiny part of what happens when you post photos.
ur the bomb!!! thanks
Thank you sweetheart
The wayback machine will remove websites if you can prove that you are the site owner.
DustyHands's Avatar
don't mean to hijack the thread, but it's related, sort of.

Is there a way to enable right clicking of links but not pictures in the showcases? I completely understand preventing pictures from being saved/stolen, but it would be nice to use right click for email addresses, website links, reviews, p411 etc... or would doing so allow other sites to steal stuff?