Trump is broke. Ways for him to earn money

winn dixie's Avatar
Ways for trumpf to earn money since he's broke

> label his rallies as a comedy show
> go fund me link sent to all magas
> auction off his toupee
> ask his BFF comrade putin for money
> stop going to McDonald's
> pimp out Tucker
> sell better shoes

What else yall got?
He broke and needs money
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I know many would donate a sizable chunk of money for him to admit and laugh at the unbelievable level of stupidity his loyal cult members must have to believe all of his lies. They would probably only do so if he admitted it on camera so that it is documented. Otherwise, that habitual liar would simply say he never said it and his band of retards would believe him.

In all seriousness, I am sure Haley's rich benefactors would much rather just give him money than her if he would just shut up and go to hell where he belongs.
Maybe put up his 50,000 Sq ft lol apartment for collateral? It even has the trumpy brand that makes it at least 10 to 20% under fair market value. Which means he is a broke ass mofo
Or maybe just go to Jared's
Who knew the broke azz orange clown "multi billionaire" was a fake??? Well everybody except his broke ass mega nuts that aren't supporting him so well.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I'd pay $50 per ball from 50 yards if it was full of sewage.

Tickets sold out for weeks. Imagine how long the line would be. Worth it?

Should be chump change for a multi billionaire.
Maybe Jared could loan him some of the 2 billion he got from the Saudis.

Ways for trumpf to earn money since he's broke

> label his rallies as a comedy show
> go fund me link sent to all magas
> auction off his toupee
> ask his BFF comrade putin for money
> stop going to McDonald's
> pimp out Tucker
> sell better shoes

What else yall got?
He broke and needs money Originally Posted by winn dixie
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Does anyone really believe he has more than he owes? Now?

I'd still love to try and dunk him in shit. It would be fun. Still a gamble. Not a sure thing. Football passes from 50 yards. I have to be that far from the smell. Even before he falls through the air tight trap door.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Maybe Jared could loan him some of the 2 billion he got from the Saudis. Originally Posted by royamcr

Borrowing more. Again.
I mean Jared got that money because of Trump. So he owes it to him. Problem is he cant just give him the money as that would be probably over 200 million in taxes. Structured as a loan he could probably pay on it indefinitely and may end up dying owing most of it.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
I mean Jared got that money because of Trump. So he owes it to him. Problem is he cant just give him the money as that would be probably over 200 million in taxes. Structured as a loan he could probably pay on it indefinitely and may end up dying owing most of it. Originally Posted by royamcr

Let's hope it happens quickly.
Death would be too kind for what he has done and put the US through.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Should be chump change for a multi billionaire. Originally Posted by royamcr
Trump is not your typical billionaire. Is he technically a billionaire? Yes. I have no doubt about that. Does he have the liquidity of your typical billionaire? Fuck no. I have no doubt about that either. He is a real estate developer who is highly leveraged. What cash that man has is going to pay bank loans and to maintain his rapidly dwindling in value properties. On top of that; who the fuck would give that piece of shit a loan now?

We can joke about what he can do for money, but the bottom line is all he has are the three worst options which are to beg, borrow or steal. Begging won't help him out of this mess. He will either have to steal campaign funds from his retards for personal expenses or he will have to borrow from the enemies of the state.

Long story short, he is fucked with no lube... can you even run for president if you have to file for bankruptcy? I will have to look that up later if I care enough to do so
Nothing prevents a bankrupt criminal from running for president. The founding fathers had a little too much faith in the people. Well actually they didn't initially but that's a different discussion.

It's likely they thought that no one in their right mind would want to place the government in the hands of a criminal bankrupt but the never could've foreseen the idiots in the republican party.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Thanks, 1b1 for the answer. I honestly didn't know. As I was typing that, I was thinking, I would be unemployable in my industry if I had to file for bankruptcy. Nobody would hire me, and I would not blame them because of the liability that would come with me.

Anyway, good to know that Goldman Sachs would never hire me in a million years if I filed for bankruptcy but one day, I could still be POTUS because of the loyal support of clueless morons. LOL
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Two words

CAR WASH!!!!!!