Trumps Tax Returns to be made Public

This following Trump Org being criminally CONVICTED of FELONY tax fraud. One might say that the Democrats have grabbed Trump by her pussy..
I think we are all in for a huge shock..……..Trump obeys the tax code just like any other tax paying citizen.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
illegal. blows up the committee's cover story of "IRS handling of past president's tax returns".

passed on a completely partisan vote.

early February 2023 news ...

Republican controlled Ways and Means committee to release Barry Soetoro's tax returns.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Pathetic Originally Posted by greenbook

if you say so
28,000 posts. Maybe get out of your mother's basement once a month.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
28,528 posts. Originally Posted by greenbook

matchingmole's Avatar
28,000 posts. Maybe get out of your mother's basement once a month. Originally Posted by greenbook
Hey...he saw an escort...once BWAHAHAAAAAA
Pathetic Originally Posted by greenbook
What's pathetic is you're worrying about something you have no control over, nor should you be concerned about Trump's tax return.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey...he saw an escort...once BWAHAHAAAAAA Originally Posted by matchingmole

if HoustonRiley says so

After all the crap you post on here none stop with no life you're expecting Us tobelieve this review. Lol I don't. I think you just got tired of people saying you're a looser on a ho bored with no life. Originally Posted by HoustonRiley

still illegal to release DJT's taxes. yet another democrat farce.
If Trump's tax return can be made public over his objection, what's to prevent the IRS from publishing mine or yours? While there may be an arguable reason to oversee a President's or Vice President's return to assess how effective the IRS's treatment of such tax returns has been--i.e., are the taxpayers receiving preferential or detrimental treatment, releasing the contents to the public serves no such purpose. Now, of course, after the House is finished examining Joe and Hunter Biden's returns, we will see whether they were honest or fraudulent.
Precious_b's Avatar
I think the guy would be proud now that he can show those people who got the records released what a business genius he is. Why would he try to hide that? He should be thanking them for *FINALLY* getting his audit out of review after all these years.

Seeing that he is a public figure, withstanding questionable fiscal practices with major financial institutions that could show being compromised, making such records public is understandable.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think it's completely ILLEGAL to release Precious_b's tax returns Originally Posted by Precious_b

thank you precious poster
VitaMan's Avatar
Now you are back to making up quotes and/or misquoting.

Haven't you learned anything ?
Precious_b's Avatar
thank you precious poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Now you are back to making up quotes and/or misquoting.

Haven't you learned anything ? Originally Posted by VitaMan
Would love to see a link to that one, VM.

Pretty sure it is possible to dig up my records somewhere.
I wouldn't complain since ima nobody.