Hobby Nazis and thread hijackers

I originally posted these comments to STEVEWINWOOD's thread in the ISO forum but was quickly reminded that although it may have been in his defense, it was not addressing the OP's request, therefore technically a hijack like the rest of the tripe some people chose to post.

Can you people stop with the judging/hating/preaching?

You are doing to the OP what you are all afraid someone from the "civilian" world would do if they found out about your hobby of fucking whores in your spare time.

You are the same people who carpet bomb transsexual threads, protest against gay rights, and spew hate towards anyone who does not fit into the hobby image that you choose to portray here.

Next time you see a post like this, just shut up and let it go. Please! You know you are not going to change anyones mind. That is all you are doing is posturing: Beating your chest in attempt to convince everyone that you are morally correct in an inherently immoral hobby.

Thank you Duke of G. for doing what you have to keep that thread on track. For a long time, the requests and ISOs forum has been sorely in need of more moderation. I am sure it is not going to be easy, but I an glad to see you doing it.

Now I have created a new thread, perhaps some of you can help me understand why a some people feel the need to judge and hate on others like this?

Maybe if we are lucky, Jimmy Swaggart or Jim Bakker or a host of other evangelical hypocrites are secretly lurking on this board and can surface long enough to enlighten us as to why you do this type of thing.

Better yet, just take a chill pill and shut the fuck up!
pmdelites's Avatar
"help me understand why a some people feel the need to judge and hate on others like this?" Originally Posted by yourself
cos the internet is a safe and secure environment from which to lob firebombs and/or hubcaps?

cos people like to cut others down rather than build them up - jealousy?

i could go on, but who really knows?

main thing, i agree with your viewpoint - duke and the mods are doing a pretty good job of keeping things on track. we can help them by not taking things off track and by reporting potential offending posts to them.

finally, dont buy into their hate - ignore them and let the mods know.
Yourself!! What's up bro? How the hell r'ya?

You've been around long enough bud. You know how this thing goes. There are all kinds of people, and therefore there are all kinds of people here. Sex (or I should say our fantasy hobby we pretend) is universal - it's pretty primal - so we're gonna get all types.

Some are just as judgmental and outspoken in their daily lives. Others who are more shy or withdrawn get very outspoken here, since they have anonymity which frees their mouths (or keyboards, in this case).

What I'd hate to see is you getting too worked up over it. I mean where else are you going to see a newbie from KC (that's where Lees Summit is) harping on a long standing member over his controversial preferences? You and I both know that "it is what it is." Opinions and assholes, amigo, you know what I'm saying.

For those of us that've been around, it sucks to go over and over topics that have "beaten dead horse" status. I mean what's the fun in just reading old threads when you can chime in on new ones, and put yourself and your infinite wisdom into the conversation!! Right?!

Just kidding... So I've often wondered how many people who really get chapped over the annoying things here, in fact, don't have enough going on in their rw lives. Take a few days off the SWMB, get some outdoors, and I'm sure, as you already know, you'll be reminded of how trivial it really is in the overall scheme of things, in your life.

Have a good weekend.
addict's Avatar
They are the poster equivalent of the people who drive in the fast lane and curse anybody going slower than them, but refuse to get over and let somebody going faster pass.
Chevalier's Avatar
I'm not too crazy about people who "hate." But "judge"? Almost all of us do that; we just differ about the topics for which we will "attempt to convince everyone that you are morally correct in an inherently immoral hobby." Most of us won't judge about the fact that you participate in P4P. Many (including me) may find particular sexual practices distasteful, but will try not to judge those who engage in them. But there are other behaviors that most of us will judge people for. NCNS. Haggling over rates in a rude manner. Shorting the envelope. Outing. Stealing. And many more. I consider many of those behaviors as immoral. And I judge people who engage in them. And, further, I think that for some of those immoral (in my opinion) behaviors, it is not inappropriate to criticize (in non-inflammatory manner) the behavior publicly.

I've seen people who say we have no right to criticize even those behaviors like outing or shorting the envelope, because we ourselves engage in immoral behavior by participating in P4P. I understand that attitude but don't share it. There are degrees of immorality and questions of consequences to others.

We draw the line at different places, between what we think is a valid subject for public criticism and what we don't. I probably draw it not too differently than you do. But that doesn't mean I don't judge. And there will be those who think I shouldn't judge based on those factors, just as I don't think it's appropriate to judge based on consensual sexual preferences.
A moratorium on the hateful, spiteful, often thoughtless much less thought provoking interjections into threads that serve no purpose or add anything useful to the conversation besides name calling and other psychobabble would be wonderful.

But so would being stuck in a hotel room for a couple of hours with a willing Rita Hayworth clone.

My bet is that the second will occur before the first. Because this is what it is, with the people that are what they are, on the internet. As a friend of mine once said in a song, "What the HELL did you expect?"

"This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box." ERM, 1958
There is always going to be BBFS threads, people who offer it ect... You have to learn to ignore it and continue on. I just arrived in Austin for the week and this is the first ISO I read...


Then I began to backpedal.... Its funny how one bad apple can really spoil the bunch! I am sure girls visiting Dallas see his ISO and think... never again!... But then again it is everywhere! Why worry about something you are not doing?

I just received an email from a guy on Eccie asking for greek BBFS from his personal email, I kindly asked what his handle is and the dumbass will probably reply then he will be on my "burn list" to be posted in June....
BBFS should be in a PRIVATE FORUM!



If we already have private forums on here that talk about gang bangs and gay sex, then we should have one for those who want BBFS. I'm not hating on anyone who partakes in this risky activity, but I don't understand why a member would not want to use a little bit of discretion (even when asking for it). No one wants to be blacklisted as "high risk". Providers AND Hobbyists! And ESPECIALLY Hobbyists because there are a lot of married men here!
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
BBFS should be in a PRIVATE FORUM!



If we already have private forums on here that talk about gang bangs and gay sex, then we should have one for those who want BBFS. I'm not hating on anyone who partakes in this risky activity, but I don't understand why a member would not want to use a little bit of discretion (even when asking for it). No one wants to be blacklisted as "high risk". Providers AND Hobbyists! And ESPECIALLY Hobbyists because there are a lot of married men here! Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
Not a slam, but do you really think anything in the private forums is truly private?
Boltfan's Avatar
BBFS should be in a PRIVATE FORUM!



If we already have private forums on here that talk about gang bangs and gay sex! Originally Posted by brownsugarbaby
There is a private forum for gay sex?
Funny...when I point out the exact same thing, I am the thread police. Just ask 'Tiger Woods'!! (He's my #1 fan, like the bitch from Misery )

Also, it's good to know I can say "shut the fuck up" instead of "STFU" which got me points but then again, Dorito wants me more than you. Hahaha!
It's interesting what men vs. women can get away with here. Just an observation.

It's all fun and games until your thread gets hijacked

Put BBFS wherever you want it, by the way. I'd rather have it out in the open.

A private forum for it, is about the most ridiculous thing I've heard of. It's like starting a forum for BBBJ, DATY, and kissing, which are just as risky.
Just my opinion based on facts.
There is a private forum for gay sex? Originally Posted by Leon Sandcastle
....and she would know about this, how?

I finally read the threAD and what I found most amusing is, the number of gents saying BBFS is a strict no-no in their book, yet they vote for the biggest BBFS queen on ECCIE, in each and every "who is the best" thread.

She always tops the charts.

Irony, much?
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Studies indicate, this is a common response to redundant pussy whipped panty waste postings.
Hence I always invite a hijack.
Funny...when I point out the exact same thing, I am the thread police. Just ask 'Tiger Woods'!! (He's my #1 fan, like the bitch from Misery )

Also, it's good to know I can say "shut the fuck up" instead of "STFU" which got me points but then again, Dorito wants me more than you. Hahaha!
It's interesting what men vs. women can get away with here. Just an observation.

It's all fun and games until your thread gets hijacked

Put BBFS wherever you want it, by the way. I'd rather have it out in the open.

A private forum for it, is about the most ridiculous thing I've heard of. It's like starting a forum for BBBJ, DATY, and kissing, which are just as risky.
Just my opinion based on facts. Originally Posted by TheOriginalDannie
Just as risky? That makes BBBJ look sanctified, lol.

Which reminds me... Don't you love looking at the little posters on the wall when you go get tested?

I'm just trying to be a little humorous...

There is a private forum for gay sex? Originally Posted by Leon Sandcastle
Just kidding.