Why does it seem that Republicans like to react with violence over political disagreements

Is this indicative of the whole conservative movement? Just seems like when they disagree they want to react with violence and aggression. Even some of the conservative posters on this board consistently post with aggression, antagonism, and emotion that really reveals unstable mindsets. It seems to be a reaction of those who can't defend their positions with facts in a logical, calm, and civil manner.

Similar to this guy:

I B Hankering's Avatar
Hey zany, your stupid ass evidently forgot all about Odumbo's ghostwriter and pals: Ayers and Dorn. Go diddle yourself with one of Ayer's IEDs, zany.
Hey zany, your stupid ass evidently forgot all about Odumbo's ghostwriter and pals: Ayers and Dorn. Go diddle yourself with one of Ayer's IEDs, zany. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
^ Exihbit A is a living breathing case in point.
I B Hankering's Avatar
^ Exihbit A is a living breathing case in point. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

^^^^^Counter "case in point" showing lib-retarded associates of your boy Odumbo who actually have a "body count" on their rap sheets, zany, and which certifies that you're a moronic, Kool Aid sotted retard for starting a thread based on your brain-dead premise, zany.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Just when I thought your posts couldn't get any stupider...
Once again you've out done yourself Zanny.

I was going to say you cease to amaze me....but there's always tomorrow.

That is if someone doesn't kill you.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

^^^^^Counter "case in point" showing lib-retarded associates of your boy Odumbo who actually have a "body count" on their rap sheets, zany, and which certifies that you're a moronic, Kool Aid sotted retard for starting a thread based on your brain-dead premise, zany. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Another vomitus explosion from our resident shit worshipper.

Better get some rest before you face the boys down the mine shaft, Corpy. They'll want their Monday Morning anal-ysis!

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Too stupid to comment on.
boardman's Avatar
Because participants at OWS were completely non-violent
Not saying you don't have violence on both sides but Repubs seem to always start by presenting their most rabid and bat-shit crazy supporters on the front lines. Look at the infantile responses in this thread. Barleycorn, Dali Lami, and IBH. They are emotional wrecks who wear their hearts on their sleeve and I have no doubts fit the profile of the guy in the video.

They just lack civility and the ability to think through an argument without flying off the handle. It's a gift not everyone is capable of.
I think its funny that no one noticed that after the lunatic has his hissy fit , they spoke with a rational guy that was protesting in a way that folks would listen to. Or maybe that's the part that upset you guys, that a mentally stable guy had the audacity to represent the Teaparty LOL!
boardman's Avatar
Listen to the guy on the microphone in the background whipping the crowd into a frenzy.
Think he's a batshit crazy Republican?

I think its funny that no one noticed that after the lunatic has his hissy fit , they spoke with a rational guy that was protesting in a way that folks would listen to. Or maybe that's the part that upset you guys, that a mentally stable guy had the audacity to represent the Teaparty LOL! Originally Posted by slingblade
^ actually that's what I'd like to see every time. People like that ex-Marine seem to think gatherings like that is a free for all for acting nuts. I have a ton of level headed and rational thinking republican friends. In fact some of them are down right brilliant we just disagree politically but we're the exception because we can still think beyond our politics and laugh it off and respect each others differences.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Not saying you don't have violence on both sides but Repubs seem to always start by presenting their most rabid and bat-shit crazy supporters on the front lines. Look at the infantile responses in this thread. Barleycorn, Dali Lami, and IBH. They are emotional wrecks who wear their hearts on their sleeve and I have no doubts fit the profile of the guy in the video.

They just lack civility and the ability to think through an argument without flying off the handle. It's a gift not everyone is capable of.
Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're a deflecting jackass, zany. Implicit in your jackass -- lower than infantile -- thread is your belief that lib-retards don't resort to violence, zany. Odumbo's buddies Ayers and Dorn shove your premise up your ass and break it off for you to squirm on, zany.
You're a deflecting jackass, zany. Implicit in your jackass -- lower than infantile -- thread is your belief that lib-retards don't resort to violence, zany. Odumbo's buddies Ayers and Dorn shove your premise up your ass and break it off for you to squirm on, zany.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

^ you're turning me into an Einstein proving me a genius. thanks
I B Hankering's Avatar
^ you're turning me into an Einstein proving me a genius. thanks Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
Here's another example showing why you personify stupidity -- not Einstein -- zany:

“And then there’s Rumsfeld who said of Iraq, ‘We have our good days and our bad days,’ ” the ad continues. “We should put this S.O.B. up against the wall and say ‘This is one of our bad days,’ and pull the trigger.” -- From a fundraising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club