I Stand In Solidarity With The Mexican People

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
We stole their land in the West and then had the audacity and temerity to name a State New Mexico...how cynical, insulting, and grotesque. Its like stealing blacks from Africa and then naming an American state New Africa.

Vi va la Mexico..si se puede.

This is for my brown brothers and sisters

DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
How about after this reply, nobody else replies. We need to quit feeding this attention whoring troll.
The Hispanics didn't walk all the way to the southern border to enter the USA, they came to apply for a job to build the wall. Who else will do it?
Lots of people but not for $10 a day
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
How about after this reply, nobody else replies. We need to quit feeding this attention whoring troll. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
The only thing wrong with this thread is the first word in my OP...I started off by saying "We" when I clearly meant "YALL" I guess that was some sort of weird Freudian slip
The only thing wrong with this thread is...EVERYTHING!! Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
You started this VERY same thread in the political form...you are the only attention starved whore that does the juvenile SHIT!!:https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2530677yes:

You fucking can't help that your over bloated opinion of your RACIST self is not shared by ANYONE else buy YOU!!
When most of the people on this board point you out as being the most RACISTS self-adsorb individual you cry like a FUCKING BABY!!
You need to fucking grow up!!
Slitlikr's Avatar
OP needs to open his home and allow some illegals to live there.
boardman's Avatar
What wasn't won as the universally accepted spoils of war was purchased in an arms length transaction. If whitey didn't have claim to it neither did brownie since it originally belonged to the natives but then you still have that spoils of war issue to reconcile.
Tell you what SC. I'll go back to Germany, Ireland or Sweden if you'll go back to Africa.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
You started this VERY same thread in the political form...you are the only attention starved whore that does the juvenile SHIT!!:https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2530677yes:

You fucking can't help that your over bloated opinion of your RACIST self is not shared by ANYONE else buy YOU!!
When most of the people on this board point you out as being the most RACISTS self-adsorb individual you cry like a FUCKING BABY!!
You need to fucking grow up!! Originally Posted by bb1961

The moderators need to get a hold on sis chap and his racist threads.

One option may be to take away his thread starting privileges, which should work just fine.
Mexicans, domestic or illegal, won't stand with you. That's a guarantee.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-17-2019, 07:14 AM
OP needs to open his home and allow all illegals to live there. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The moderators need to get a hold on sis chap and his racist threads.

One option may be to take away his thread starting privileges, which should work just fine. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Why cant people just stick to and enjoy topics?

I swear....

Why cant people just stick to and enjoy topics?

I swear....

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Your topics are ANYTHING but enjoyable...
Mexicans, domestic or illegal, won't stand with you. That's a guarantee. Originally Posted by backonthesaddle
As a latino who's family went through the tough process of becoming legal here, you are correct.

We DO NOT stand for this OP, Immigrants should come here legally. Period.

This land was not stolen, it was fought for and won and sold. How far back are you going to selectively choose the people you're virtue signaling for?

Indians? Aztec? Myans? Inca? Clovis?

no mames puto
Oralist's Avatar
Take away threads started by SC, Shinepro and a couple of others and The Sandbox and COED become Ghost Towns.
