Sure seems like it. Obama is out and about flapping his gums and making noise lately. Of course, he could also have the hidden agenda to bring forth Obama 4.0, aka The Moochell. But he would have to wait well in to the election cycle to pull that off, so as to avoid any inspection of the Obama 4.0 package. Imagine it debating anything....
But lately him and a random lackey or two are suddenly popping off.
He's reciting an old Hellery diatribe about divided media, which I read to mean: How dare you not believe what you are told by us! Who the heck fire gave you permission to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness anyway? Just shaddap already and do what you are told.
He's trotting out ye olde guns are a "partisan" issue. Of course, he uses non-voting age citizens as his human shield. Ironic in that it takes Biden tanking to get him out talking about deranged loons attacking gun free zones, with the singular notion that is only because guns exist.
He even has his good 'ol boy Rahm Emanuel, Ambassador to Japan, lecturing Japan about the whole transhumanist schmaltz. So far Japan seems a bit annoyed by it.
Yup. Something is up. Seems like the Manchurian Candidate has been ordered out of the shadows to shore up the base and steer the talking points. Slow-Joe must be slipping pretty badly for him to have to do that so blatantly.