Watching the business channels and everyone's pessimistic. Stock market wise, everything is overvalued except Ammy. People who said all in 2019 we were heading into a recession magically don't think we are in a recession.
Locally, there's no plan to reopen schools which are essential for recovery. Too many people don't want schools reopened until some vaccine is out. Or legal indeminity. Both private and public, grade schools to univerisities. How is day care still operating?
COVID deaths are closing in on lows in TX. If masks are working, then how did 100K people die? We've been wearing them and social distancing for months now.
Shit's about to get real. Too many people scared. Too many people have lost everything or about to lose everything. The second wave of stimulus will only delay the pain. I believe there's going to be a serious revenue shortfall for govts soon.
We won't be able to print money fast enough.