I'm Really Not Understanding...

Eccie has always had its cons, but after the shutdown it seems men are coming out of the woodworks to harass providers. Many have retired due to circumstances. I see so many guys that are only here to antagonize providers under their comments. I see a lot of guys using hurtful language for some sort of power dynamic they're trying to establish here. How is it that guys are here to browse and select providers, yet they end up here only to belittle women? The site can be a messy clusterfuck at times, but moderators should consider stepping in to delete harmful comments or suspend accounts that harass providers. We have zero protection from sad, lowly, miserable degenerates via the Internet. Everyone here deserves safety. Providers and clients alike.
midnite312004's Avatar
Tell them to go jump off a bridge.
mcee22's Avatar
They are all probably pussies in real life, so they get catty here.
Hot foooking damn. Sweets have no fear, shine will be jumping in your inbox soon . I'll show you the real side of eccie, you know dealing with uppercrust well heeled and edumacated gentlemen
. Those pictures can't be real. You are foooking smoking hot. Shine likey!!! Pray tell, are your toes as beautiful as you are
. Shine likey suck on toes. Toodles.....
Yeah - it's always been rough in the Houston forum. Seems like upon the return, all the trolls came out of the woodwork. My advice - to be on this site, get thicker skin and use the "block" function more, and you will be OK.
jojodancer15's Avatar
Some of us are here truly for the fun and don't indulge in the mess. The other site shuts that kind of thing down on the spot. Consider using that site too!!
JJ8901's Avatar
the other site is has fewer trolls to feed. and they allow pics from the good old days
Dom Vera's Avatar
Hasn’t been the same since the shutdown, but the solid and respectable members are still around.
DocHolyday's Avatar
+1 jojo
SpiceItUp's Avatar
As always, moderation will be limited to the actual guidelines not what hurts people’s feelers. At the end of the day this place is about freedom. Feel free to ignore or tell off the assholes if you wish. Don’t expect draconian moderation to protect your sensitivities.
  • pxmcc
  • 07-13-2018, 12:03 AM
Hot foooking damn. Sweets have no fear, shine will be jumping in your inbox soon . I'll show you the real side of eccie, you know dealing with uppercrust well heeled and edumacated gentlemen
. Those pictures can't be real. You are foooking smoking hot. Shine likey!!! Pray tell, are your toes as beautiful as you are
. Shine likey suck on toes. Toodles..... Originally Posted by shinepro
she's real shine..
I think the lack of safety the providers are granted causes issues all around. There's also been a death in our community. That's terrifying to think you're going to do your job, and provide someone company and a good time...and then they murder you. I don't think it's my sensitivity alone. I see a lot of providers that feel unprotected. It's not a good feeling. It generally starts with accounts that harass others, and if they get suspended they just make a new account and keep going. You can't protect everyone in all situations, but when people are dying and we can't even alert other providers on the site without getting ourselves suspended it just sucks. But I hear all of you. You have to have tough skin to be apart of this business. I've just seen this crazy increase of providers receiving a lot of negativity post shutdown.

One of my favorite sites that caters to the west side (Cali, LV, etc.) had more of a system to where providers could basically put out an alert that becomes attached with the clients account and username. You could see how many yes's and no's clients had which was extremely helpful as far as safety goes. The main part of this job isn't to provide pleasure. It's only one facet. Safety above all is the main component of sex work. Regardless of mean commentators sometimes those situations bleed over into physically dangerous territory.
JJ8901's Avatar
it is unfortunate certain people have nothing better to do that spend 24/7 talking trash and bashing providers (most likely because providers wont see them).

on a more positive note: that is one hell of a booty shot you rockin in your avatar Amina!!
Lack of safety?
What from words?
GTFO quit being so fucking sensitive or quit.
One of my favorite sites that caters to the west side (Cali, LV, etc.) had more of a system to where providers could basically put out an alert that becomes attached with the clients account and username. You could see how many yes's and no's clients had which was extremely helpful as far as safety goes. Originally Posted by Amina Aston
There is no reason you can't start a thread in the ladies only access forums on the board that covers this topic, I would think.

PS - Hey - hippotard sighting.....