Hawaii bill would legalize prostitution industry

Bobave's Avatar
HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii lawmakers are considering decriminalizing prostitution in the Aloha State after House Speaker Joseph Souki introduced a bill.

The proposal also would end a state law that says police officers can't have sex with prostitutes in the course of investigations. [should garner support from the police unions!]

Transgender activist Tracy Ryan says she's pushing the bill because transgender women in the sex trade are disproportionately impacted by criminalization laws.
But long-time anti-sex trafficking advocate Kathryn Xian says making selling, promoting or buying sex legal would make it harder to prove violence and abuse in the industry.

Souki says he takes no position on the bill, but he introduced it as a favor to Ryan.
House Majority Leader Scott Saiki says this and a bill to decriminalize marijuana may be part of a push to reduce the prison population.

Didn't realize officers could have sex with prostitutes.
pyramider's Avatar
In most states they can, it depends on state law and police department policy.
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
The last time I visited Waikiki, it looked like prostitution was at least tolerated.
joesmo888's Avatar
Hawaii is the most progressive state in the US. so this bill doesn't surprise me. there isn't a single republican in their state house lol. it is 25-0 democrat

how nice to live in a state where bible thumpers don't exist
Just another reason for me to finally make it out to Hawai'i. Would love to hook up with a couple of island girls.
ICU 812's Avatar
Should be a good tourist draw.

I can imagine expensive, but succerssful 5-star "all" inclusive sex resorts and full-service deep sea fishing etc. It will be expensive as anything ofg course, but about any high-end sexually oriented business model should succeed in Hawaii.