Sad story....

BabyDallass's Avatar

Reading stuff like this makes me sick! But look at the two dudes who did this...There is NO way I would even talk to one of the phone for a date....I will not see black guys for this reason here, most want to either rob you or try to pimp you....Be safe ladies, it could happen to any of us! [/COLOR]
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Wow...just wow..leaves me dumbfounded
BabyDallass's Avatar
Sick story, makes me even more cautious! Another reason why I do not see younger guys, most are there for BS. These guys were in their early 20s, a big no no for me :/

If girls knew what to avoid you could slim your chances, which sure enough an old white collard white man could do it too, but not as likely. He has a wife, career and family....he has stuff to lose, what do these two punks have to lose? smh sad
BBWDeAnna's Avatar sorry i should have been clear...i am in shock at the theory that "most" black guys in the hobby world are here to rob us or pimp us.. not a knock on the OP..providers set their own rules..who are we to judge.. but most provider WILL and HAVE taken offense when "lumped" into a bad group just because of where they advertise..or who they hang out with..lumping "most" black men into the category of wanting to rob us or pimp us is small minded..short sighted and quite sickening in and of itself.

I don't expect nor force any WHITE male to like or see girls that see black clients..way back when i started in 2002 i recieved emails, pm's and more from hillbilly "white collar" WHITE men who were offended and swore to ruin me after black men in arkansas..houston, austin, dallas, shreveport, san antonio, memphis and more reviewed me..they were PISSED OFF.. turns out more WHITE MEN don't care then those few guys realized and guess what..ALL MONEY IS GREEN.

i have only had a client fuck and not pay 1 time.. 1 time..and it was a white guy..i find honestly all the men i have met to be nice..laid back and easy going and respectful..especially the BLACK MEN..i think in part because they are nervous about being blacklisted etc if they step out of ever line providers set..i guess attitude and such goes a long ways..i tend to be laid back..easy going..go with the flow and thus i think guys felt like they didn't have to walk on egg shells when we met.. I have found black men to be respectful sometimes to a fault haha..they follow protocol to a T..they mind their "p's" and "q's" so to speak and make great clients. have the white guys...mexicans, indians etc etc that i have met. some guys are more nervous, others more demanding, others just lay there, some are more active..some are talkers, some can't stay hard the whole time, others cum quick, some just want a bj..others want every minute of the whole hour spent with action...but ALL i have met except that 1 has been every bit a joy to provide to and for. I have no problem pulling the veil back these days....i dang sure wasn't "low volume" girls don't fly into touring cities to see 2 guys for 1 hr dates..its about volume.. its about making $.. and frankly most guys don't give a damn..they just want fun..and that is supposedly what we say we are here to do.. provide fun (i realize girls body they have the right to pick yadda yadda yadda)

Old guys, young, white, brown or alien.. if they pass screening, lay down the required $ then i don't get the problem.. hell 2 yrs of living in a college town in florida i saw more horny college kids then most could imagine..their money spent the same as a 55 yr old white guy.. they were just as eager and just as happy to get off as the 70yr old.. yes 70.. and contrary to the thoughts..young and/or blk don't "beat ur stuff" up doesn't "wear you out" the rest of the day.. its sex.. yes guys..its just sex.. realize the gimmick is girls PREFER older guys because the chance of being ROCK hard lessens..the chance of having to "work" for the $ lessens..frankly it can be an easier there the secret is out guys..lmao

im baffled that in 2015 this still men of younger guys..i do apologize that spending hard earned money and being respectful and trustworthy gets you know where and you are held back due to things u can't control.

im sure the fact i did see blk men and men of color offended sure 20yrs of marriage offends sure the fact im a mother offends some..the fact im a bbw offends some..the fact i AM successful offends.. but at the end of the day..for every guy that those things listed offends..there are 3 that are turned on by the thought of interracial sex..there are guys that love fucking another guys wife..there are guys looking for a milf..there are young guys..all sorts of guys that are lookiing for a laid back..carefree..relaxed atmosphere non judgemental good time..and there are luckily girls that provide just that..MOST men don't give a crap about anything other than that "time" they have booked with u..leave your troubles at the door and do what you advertise..thats the whole point of this thing we call a hobby at the end of the day..they don't care who you saw that day..what guys it was..their race etc..they just want what they expect and what they are $ for.

i guess im lucky..i don't have a jealous bf..quite the contrary..i have a supportive kinky husband who likes me fucking.. i have a stable home life..and i have fun providing..without uncomfortable boundries that make things tough to relax in..

like i said..nothing against op..MANY girls don't see men of color for whatever reasons..but to lump MOST black men into being robbers and pimps makes me ashamed to say im even posting this..
This stereotype is reinforced by the nighty little rock news.its mainly young black males killing each other,the jail and prisons are full of them.such mindless violence is a reality and unfortunately all young men of color are tainted by the ones who commit these deeds.but if you check the local mug shots, you will see plenty of Caucasians.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Cant like this enough..well said..
girls can see who they choose for whatever reasons..but to outright lump blk hobbyiest as robbers and pimps is the sad story 14yrs of providing and being in the adult business..I have found u are more likely to have peoblema out of the guys who become to stalker like and who start believing the "gimmick" a little to much..and those come in all shapes..colors and ages haha..
Be very, very careful out there ladies - no matter who you are seeing.
BabyDallass's Avatar
To each their own...I don't see black guys because of PAST bad experiences in the hobby. I didn`t say ALL, I said MOST....smh...Dont get all on me because of my OPIOIN...geez...lets not get off topic here...Praying for the girl whos life was took and for the other girl who is scared out of her mind, nobody should have to go through that.
Hogfan69's Avatar
I'm not saying anyone is right or wrong, but at the end of the day do whatever makes you comfortable and run your own business and don't worry about how others run their's.
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
first..thats why i don't come to the boards..make no mistake about it..i could CARE LESS who does what and how they run their business.. no one is here to learn..they all got it figured out by now....however since it is COED "discussion" i figure lets discuss..but see we don't wanna do that.. thats no fun..people see who u want...but its a disservice to new girls and enlightening at the same time..

Baby D..i by no means am trying to get off topic..i assume you have seen TONS and tons if not the majority of black hobbyiest on the planet? thus u can say "most" of the ones would be robbers and pimps..? just saying..most seems a bit extreme..and i also agree..see who you want..DO YOU..OWN what you feel comfortable with..thats what makes the hobby great..

but i do stand corrected..u are right.. girls can and do need to learn from this thing that happened.. it seems perhaps u and the girl in the news story had trouble in the PAST meeting good clients of different races..for whatever reason only yall know.. so girls can learn that NOT all black men are bad..not all white men are good.. but sometimes your .and outside influences dictate the type of client you end up with that can lead to bad or good experiences..

so kudos.. not sure..its been a while..but pretty sure "god" don't give a damn about escorts praying for other escorts..just sayin offense ment just pokin fun

hobby on..i get the feeling its about time to find my cock..i mean rock to climb back under..reality sucks for some
BabyDallass's Avatar
Blah blah blah....Here we go like I said it was PAST experiences like when I first started in 2010...AND this is a thread about two women who were robbed and killed by these punks.

Oh, and since I`m a provider God dose not listen or care if Im praying for other providers? WOW!!!! Your the one who sounds ignorant....
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I should probably read the long paragraphs before I make a serious post on this...but I will say I only see non-black men. Not because of fear of being robbed but because of things that happened to me before I even decided to be a provider. My childhood wasn't full of rainbows and unicorns.

But that's over and done and I don't give a flying fuck who gets offended by my choices.

Now, to read the giant wall of text
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
then leave it about those two women..instead u stated most black men are here to rob us and/or pimp us.. and then went on to say girls can learn from this on who to see..its just sad someone would group the other fine men of race into a category and possibly encourage other girls not to see them and judge them solely on race.. its a sad indication of the world we live in actually..

as far as god and prayers..this ain't the place for it..but growing up in an extremely religous house(lot of good that did haha)..i can tell u..that u can NOT purposefully sin daily and go against gods word and expect prayers answered about other sinners..if u are a religous person..u can only repent and ask forgiveness so many times before the bible says it falls on deaf ears as you are eventually deemed a lost cause

Hebrews 10:26-27

For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries

John 15:7

If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

James 5:16

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

1 Corinthians 6:9

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality,

i could go on and on..but that would be off topic..prayer and prostitution do not go together..bottom line..

u see who u want..u posted in coed i simply offered a different opinion.. what ur doing seems to work great for u..but it is truly ashame that potential new girls may get mis informed..and mislead about the joys of providing to a varying clientele and how money is green and fun can be had with a variety of men in all shapes, races and ages
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Are you a provider or a John?