OTC Troubles...

  • PJ10
  • 01-23-2017, 04:38 PM
I have been having OTC activities with my dancer for about 6 months now, everything has been great up until the past few times.
The past three times we planned to meet up at the hotel she has shown up later and later every time, this past week she was almost 4 hours late. She has used every excuse from had to do laundry to it was raining.

When she did finally show up things seemed kind of odd and once we started drinking and relaxing she started dancing for me. After a little bit I realized things weren't advancing as they usually do so I asked her about it.
She explained that she was just going to give me lap dances and nothing more (this has never been the case), after I asked the reasoning she kind of got upset and started telling me she is not a prostitute and for me not to treat her as one.
I've never referred to her as a prostitute nor have I ever stated we had to have sex, it always happened and she usually made the first move to initiate it.
I bit my tongue and didn't argue, finished our dances (which were more dull and boring than I get in the club) paid her went to sleep and that was the end of it.

Like I said the past few times have been getting worse and worse and it all began when she started dating this guy, a guy which she mentioned to me the first night shit started going south.
My question is how should I go about handling this issue? I want to keep seeing her but I am not going to pay this kind of money for her to come give me vanilla ass lap dances...
corona's Avatar
stop paying her

P.S. she is a prostitute, just doesn't want to be called one.
NTXReggie's Avatar
stop paying her Originally Posted by corona

It seems this was all casual for you and no feelings involved? Well, as we all know, casual eventually ends--paid or unpaid. Move on to the next one in line.

My guess is that you might possibly hear from her down the line--assuming you play it cool and leave things positive (Hey babe, no worries, it is all good. Hope things work with your new guy. If you want to chat or hang out, give me a shout.). Then decide what circumstances you will respond to her reaching out in the future. Likely puts you in a better bargaining position when new guy becomes latest old flame or she needs her phone bill paid or simply wants some of your dick.

Oh and if you continue to visit her place of employment, play it cool there too--be friendly and welcoming but get your lap dances and possible OTC from other ladies. Don't waste your time or money on her in the club until she welcomes you back into the previous arrangement (or whatever new arrangement you are good with).

Good luck but you won't need it...plenty of pole fishes in the sea!!!
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
You should have bailed on her the first sign she was cold to you.

There is no way you'll get the girl to stick to you the way you want.

Move on to another girl, younger, more playful, naughty, super bad, bad-ass girl. Bad girls are awesome girls, those are the ones you want.

You can't be yourself with these girls, you need to have a canned off-the-shelf personality. You'll be emotionally protected from the bruises you get from the game.
  • PJ10
  • 01-23-2017, 08:28 PM

It seems this was all casual for you and no feelings involved? Well, as we all know, casual eventually ends--paid or unpaid. Move on to the next one in line.

My guess is that you might possibly hear from her down the line--assuming you play it cool and leave things positive (Hey babe, no worries, it is all good. Hope things work with your new guy. If you want to chat or hang out, give me a shout.). Then decide what circumstances you will respond to her reaching out in the future. Likely puts you in a better bargaining position when new guy becomes latest old flame or she needs her phone bill paid or simply wants some of your dick.

Oh and if you continue to visit her place of employment, play it cool there too--be friendly and welcoming but get your lap dances and possible OTC from other ladies. Don't waste your time or money on her in the club until she welcomes you back into the previous arrangement (or whatever new arrangement you are good with).

Good luck but you won't need it...plenty of pole fishes in the sea!!! Originally Posted by NTXReggie
I mean I have/had feelings for her. I have known her about 5 years now. So how do I play it cool when I get the text "Hey when do you want to do the hotel again"?
How do I tell her I'm not interested if its just going to be shitty ass lap dances?
Also she has never told me outright she has a new guy and this is the reason for the change. I just know from what she had let slip before and what she has posted on social media ect.
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 01-23-2017, 08:55 PM
It happens in every SB/SD relationship. Everyone has told you what to do. Your not gonna listen.

Move on. When she calls just a calm "I think we need to chill for awhile" is all that is needed.

She knows it too. But she is gonna suck you for all she can get before moving on.
Hobbyman's Avatar
Tell her that lap dances can be had anywhere in town without shelling out for a room. I have been down this road several times. It never ends well. Cut your losses and move on.
billw1032's Avatar
This is scary close to a situation I fell into a few years ago. It did not end well. Learn from my mistake and listen to the wise advice you are being given. Tell her it's not working for you like it did in the beginning and it's time to move on. It won't be easy on you and there's a good chance you won't listen, but if you're honest with yourself you know these guys are right.
PetrusMaximus's Avatar
Dude, do not even send her a message.

Do not even talk to her if you decide to show up where she works.

Just do your thing, enjoy the club and the girls.

Stay away from good girls, they only bring you problems, needless endless drama, ask for too much money.

======== Stay away from good girls. =============

Look for BAD GIRLS. Only BAD GIRLS. They'll suck the juice out of your balls and you will never know what hit you. She'll fuck you like she's raping you. That's the BAD GIRL you want.
corona's Avatar
Also, tell her if all you're gonna get is dances, that you'll just see her at the club
  • PJ10
  • 01-23-2017, 10:45 PM
Thanks, I am going to take advice from you guys and just walk away.
I knew it was coming and would eventually happen just thought I would get a little more mileage out of it.
Been here too, very painful and drama for awhile until we sat down and had a heart to heart conversation. Now we see each other at the club ( where I have a new fave) and all is well. Heck I bought a few dances and a drink for her last time and she sat with me for a while and chatted. And through all of this I did not have to be a dick or nasty to her and she wasn't nasty to me either. They have emotions like we do but theirs are much shallower, if existing at all, and it is easier for them to move on to the next guy. It will hurt for awhile but Time heals all wounds. But learn this lesson for next time, it WILL happen again.
But $he is gonna $uck you for all $he can get before moving on.... Originally Posted by Go4it
Becau$e....that'$ what $tripper$ do. It rarely (think lottery odds, my friend) ever end$ well with dancer$.......
Get a single girl that looks to you for attention and affection just as you to her. Sometimes the hobby is just as much fantasy for us as it is for you.
gladius82's Avatar
Drop her now...if she asks for anything tell her to get it from her boyfriend. She is not a hooker, well shit, you are not an ATM. At least you shouldn't be.