Judge a reader rather than the book?

Shiloh Stevens's Avatar
Loved thatdude's thread and wanted to piggyback off his thread. Now that we have covered book genres...can we cover readers?

I find that while there are many fine books out there, the books are simply judged by the reader's perspective. Therefore, a non-reader may judge a best-seller differently than a life-learner would. What do you think?

What sort of reader are you? Please add..
1. Non-reader: hates reading and would rather just look at the cover. You may even enjoy all sorts of magazines, coloring books.
2. Committed-reader: takes his time with a book...may last days, weeks to complete. Doesn't want the novel to end and becomes fully captivated. This person may even journal life experiences.
3. Fast-reader: quick look, in and out. Bored easily. Prefers adventures.
4. The skimmer: browses books but never really commits to reading any of them. Can't decide what will captivate him.
5. Life-learner: carries a book at all times. Sees opportunities to learn. May read just about any book for the sake of learning.

Thatdude, I think you are a reader who is not only a life-learner but becomes captivated by a good book.
FishGuy13's Avatar
I'm a little bit of 2 & 4, but tend to lean twards 1 the non-reader. Oddly enough I'd like to be the life-learner. I'm not sure if the school system every figured out my problem and how to teach me, be it ADD, Dsylexia never learned phonics. I'm very self-concisous about my spelling and hand-writting, but I love NPR, The Discovery channel, the History channel sometimes sit for hours on end watching the weather channel and or the news. I'm not sure what that makes me.
Humm Shiloh I agree on your assessment of me except for being captivated. In hobby my default is to always put a fascinating book back in its place and pick it up to re-read at a later date. I find those kinds of books which are rare in general gets better each time I reread them but make sure i place it back in its place.
Shiloh Stevens's Avatar
You are right fishguy13. There is something wrong with the school system. Anyway, I would say you are more of an auditory learner. You do take in information...its just not necessarily through reading a book. hee hee...

Wheretonow's Avatar
I'd like to add:
The Studious Reader: Very interested in the subject matter and thoroughly reviews every pertinent book that addresses his interests. Reads every book review and author's biography. Checks with friends who have read it. Trys to find factual visual confirmation. Once he starts reading he becomes totally engrossed in the content and thinks of nothing else. After reading, writes a comprehensive book report, and starts the search all over again.

If it was a particularly engrossing book, goes back and reads it again and again for details he might have missed.

I try to be that guy.
Nice thread Shiloh... I tend to waver between Committed Reader and the Life Learner with periods of Fast Reading in between. Sometimes we all pick up the wrong book but I like to at least give it a chance to pull me in! You never know which book will take you on an awesome adventure!
Sxylisa's Avatar
I'm a little bit of 2 & 4, but tend to lean twards 1 the non-reader. Oddly enough I'd like to be the life-learner. I'm not sure if the school system every figured out my problem and how to teach me, be it ADD, Dsylexia never learned phonics. I'm very self-concisous about my spelling and hand-writting, but I love NPR, The Discovery channel, the History channel sometimes sit for hours on end watching the weather channel and or the news. I'm not sure what that makes me. Originally Posted by FishGuy13
I was recently diagnosed with ADD and began treatment. I always loved reading but my ADD had made it so difficult to pay attention I had just about stopped reading altogether. I was tested because being a non-reader is kind of a bad thing for a nursing student.
I was just diagnosed a couple of months ago and I can already see a difference. Reading is so much easier and more enjoyable.

If you think you might have ADD, ask your 5 closest friends. When I told people I had ADD, not one person was surprised. Apparently I was the last to know.