100== my first post??

  • agab
  • 12-19-2011, 06:18 PM
So I was researching a few weeks back. I never see a provider without researching first. Just for fun I plugged in my handle to see what comes up. I was a little shocked that nothing came up.
As a frequent poster on aspd I had several entries and more than 20 reviews. ( BC / AC ) . 36 oks on p411 but nothing here.
I suppose I said all I needed to say back then. After to novelty wears off its almost like a soap opera. Same theme. Same plot. Different day. Different players.
So now I sit back and watch, look, and listen. Not so much a lurker as an interested bystander.

Several years ago I asked the question if anyone kept a list of all their encounters . I do. At that time my list was about 30. Now it approches 100. Thats 100 different providers. If you count those whom I saw more than once then thats more than 100.

As I pondered 100 I was both amazed and a little shamed.

To the newbie its far away.
To the oldie its long ago.
To your buddies its unbelievable.
To the preacher its forgiveable.
To others it is not.
To some it means nothing but it marks at point that I wanted to reach before I retire.

I have had some really bad times and really good times.
I can see myself leaving the hobby soon. Dont know when.
I am still in search for the last one.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
your 2 posts in the 2 years you have been a member have been duly noted. have a great holiday.
Good luck sweetie!
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
You are in deep thought today
I wish you all the best on your future path.
Take care
up4u's Avatar
  • up4u
  • 12-20-2011, 11:27 AM
To Agab,
I Like your post..it stirs up a lot of memories and thoughts about the hobby and the people I have met along the way, some good and some not so good. As one who is also leaving a lot of what the hobby is behind me , I can understand your feelings. However, I doubt I will every totally leave..as it is just to much fun to see what goes on and I have met some wonderful folks and now call them true friends.

I think when you say find the "One"..it frankly is very hard to do..not impossible...because we are all human and the emotions can run very strong on both sides. Like anything in life I have found that simply communication between one another goes a long ways to having and developing a honest relationship. Lack of the above makes it very difficult if not impossible.

I hope you do find what you are looking for!

All the Best!