Would Biden Have A Better Chance of Re-Election If He Dumps Kamala?

As bad a Biden’s poll numbers are, Kamala’s are worse.

Nikki Haley has made it plain that a vote for Biden is in reality a vote for Harris, since Biden is going down hill before our very eyes.

It seems the fear that someone as inept as Kamala is striking fear in many voters, causing them to shy away from giving Biden the nod.

So what if Biden dumps her? Would the fear of pissing off those that actually like her be offset by the votes that would be gained from those that know she is a moron?

Perhaps the Democrats are hoping for another Trump Candidacy. They would count on the fact that they could hide a Corpse in the basement and still beat Trump.

Just like they did in 2020.
They could do better than Harris....of course they could do better than Biden as well. Both parties are stagnant.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Excellent question. The only time the VP nominee came into play for me was in 2008 when McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. I was on the fence literally up to election day when I decided I could not face the possibility of Palin becoming POTUS if something happened to McCain. I don't think Biden dumping Harris would hurt his reelection chances that much but in such a closely predicted race it could make a difference.
... Biden?? ... A better chance of re-election?? ...

... Lemme show respect for me OP mate and state that at this
point - the polls are showing that JOE is the problem.
Most people don't want him to run again.

So whomever Joe might choose to replace Kamala prolly wouldn't
matter much-any.

CNN is already looking for another Democrat front-runner.

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
Back when Biden and Harris were sworn in, I predicted that progressive power brokers would replace them both. First "they" have had get VP Harris to leave for some reason (ask the Clintons how to arrange that), and replace her with thr "roght" person. Then, just after the midterm elections get President Biden to step down (again consult the Clintons), that new VP could serve out the rest of the term and still run for two more full four year terms.

This actually happened during the 1970s when Gerald Ford replaced VP Agnew who had been charged with corruption and resigned. Just a little later, Watergate broke, and President Nixon resigned leaving us with Ford as president.
It still puts great emphasis on who the Dems will choose as a VP Candidate.

The main point of my OP was the Dems, and a shit load of White Women, hate Trump so much that they would settle for just about anybody.

But Biden is just hanging around to save funeral expenses. Even the Ultra Liberals and White Women can not stomach the thought of having Kamala as the Leader of the Free World.

So they have to come up with some one. “Give away Gavin” out in California is a darling of the Liberal Left. Heck, in their eyes, he is as good as a woman, even a Black Woman.

Convince Newsome to get on as VP, elect Biden, then as either the Grim Reaper or dementia claims Biden, the Dems will have their dream boat in the White House.

He could then do for the entire Country what he has done for California.
Ouch, that's scary!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... Biden?? ... A better chance of re-election?? ...

... Lemme show respect for me OP mate and state that at this
point - the polls are showing that JOE is the problem.
Most people don't want him to run again.

So whomever Joe might choose to replace Kamala prolly wouldn't
matter much-any.

CNN is already looking for another Democrat front-runner.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Your statements are mostly true.Very few want Joe to run again, just as very few want Trump to run again. But it is what it is right now. Biden is currently the betting favorite to win again, although the odds favored Trump at this point in time before the 2020 election.
DNinja69's Avatar
The current VP was hand picked by Biden and isn't going anywhere unless she gets herself caught up in something nasty. She would be an awful President but that won't stop votes going to Biden sad as that fact is. Both parties need some new faces at the top but I don't see that happening anytime soon
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
That ship has sailed, he gave into the left and selected Harris. Susan Rice was the best candidate and would be an excellent candidate if Biden, bows out for whatever reason
ICU 812's Avatar
Whom ever the Democrats nominate for president, there will be a massive attempt to skew the results in their favor. No, there is no "proof" or hard evidence of skullduggery. However, it is my deeply held conviction that the 2020 election results were manipulated iin various ways . . .as were the 2022 midterms. That is my view.

To re-address the thread's topic: I have doubts that Mr Trump and Mr Biden will be able to contend for the nomination of their respective parties . . .ech for different reasons.

My read is that if Mr. Biden runs against Mr. Trump the Democrats win big across the board. However, if the Republicans nominate anybody other than Mr. Trump, the undecided independent voters on either side of the center will see the Republican ticket as the only reasonable and healthy adult on the political stage and they will vote against the Biden-Harris ticket.
Whom ever the Democrats nominate for president, there will be a massive attempt to skew the results in their favor. No, there is no "proof" or hard evidence of skullduggery. However, it is my deeply held conviction that the 2020 election results were manipulated iin various ways . . .as were the 2022 midterms. That is my view.

To re-address the thread's topic: I have doubts that Mr Trump and Mr Biden will be able to contend for the nomination of their respective parties . . .ech for different reasons.

My read is that if Mr. Biden runs against Mr. Trump the Democrats win big across the board. However, if the Republicans nominate anybody other than Mr. Trump, the undecided independent voters on either side of the center will see the Republican ticket as the only reasonable and healthy adult on the political stage and they will vote against the Biden-Harris ticket. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I agree.

But how to keep Trump from getting the nomination……That’s the $64,000 dollar question.
Whom ever the Democrats nominate for president, there will be a massive attempt to skew the results in their favor. No, there is no "proof" or hard evidence of skullduggery. However, it is my deeply held conviction that the 2020 election results were manipulated iin various ways . . .as were the 2022 midterms. That is my view.

To re-address the thread's topic: I have doubts that Mr Trump and Mr Biden will be able to contend for the nomination of their respective parties . . .ech for different reasons.

My read is that if Mr. Biden runs against Mr. Trump the Democrats win big across the board. However, if the Republicans nominate anybody other than Mr. Trump, the undecided independent voters on either side of the center will see the Republican ticket as the only reasonable and healthy adult on the political stage and they will vote against the Biden-Harris ticket. Originally Posted by ICU 812
... The Independents FAVOUR Trump over Biden.

Why are YOU being silly? ... Trump is AHEAD of Biden
in some of the polls... Trump is FAR AND AWAY
the Republican candidate... Joe is tanking and
the Dems would like nothing better to replace him.

Trump got 4 (four) indictments against Him and
His numbers keep going UP! ... He's either LEADING
Joe or neck-and-neck with him.
And Joe's "Family Corruption" shit is about
to hit the fan.... You think that will HELP Joe??

As i mentioned - it don't matter if Kamala is
on the ticket again or not... JOE is the Problem.

##### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The current VP was hand picked by Biden and isn't going anywhere unless she gets herself caught up in something nasty. She would be an awful President but that won't stop votes going to Biden sad as that fact is. Both parties need some new faces at the top but I don't see that happening anytime soon Originally Posted by DNinja69

Jim Clyburn picked her when he forced Biden to commit to a minority woman as VP and this is the cunt Clyburn picked. just another example of the DemonRats fucking over their own.

That ship has sailed, he gave into the left and selected Harris. Susan Rice was the best candidate and would be an excellent candidate if Biden, bows out for whatever reason Originally Posted by Keyzer Soze

Rice is a great pick .. only if you put her up against the dumb cunt Harris. other than that, Rice is a cunt herself just not as stupid as Harris.