The Miracle of Barack Obama

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Must see video!

From the description:

Barack Obama said something stunning. He thinks that government is responsible for private sector success, not individual initiative and hard work. This doesn't surprise Bill Whittle, who reminds viewers that Obama was surrounded by socialists growing up, and even started his political career in the living room of a radical, violent socialist. See a detailed history of Barack Obama's left-wing background, on this Afterburner.

Here's Bill Whittle, at his best.

joe bloe's Avatar
Great video. If Obama was a fictional character in a novel, the author would be criticized for getting carried away. The reader would think, how ridiculous, that could never happen; the American people would never tolerate such a person as president. The last 3.5 years have been surreal.
If Obama is so much on the left why did he expand the wars overseas, sign laws allowing himself to kill American citizens without trial and eliminate habias corpus?

Why is he allowing Wall Street to get away with looting trillions of dollars through fraudulent securities, sending the country into a depression?

Why does he refuse to return the Federal tax rates to those of Ronald Reagan, where we had the biggest boom since the second world war?

Obama isn't a leftist or otherwise.

He's just an opportunist without any principles whatsoever.

In fact he's a crook, and has been all his life.

If people try to paint him as a socialist they'll fail, because there's too much evidence to the contrary, and that's how he'll win.

For him to be defeated he must BE ATTACKED ON HIS LACK OF CHARACTER,
not false claims about ideology.

Whatever I might think about Romney, he's an exceptionally honest and moral man. His life history is one of a morally-based individual who does shade the truth when he has to for political reasons, but not because he's a venal, dishonest crook like Barak Hussein Barry Soetorro Obama.


Time will show that his birth certificate is a fake. Just wait long enough and see.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-19-2012, 01:09 PM
you did pretty gpood until you did what you told everyone else not to do, then you erased several paragraphs with one sentence
joe bloe's Avatar
If Obama is so much on the left why did he expand the wars overseas, sign laws allowing himself to kill American citizens without trial and eliminate habias corpus?

Why is he allowing Wall Street to get away with looting trillions of dollars through fraudulent securities, sending the country into a depression?

Why does he refuse to return the Federal tax rates to those of Ronald Reagan, where we had the biggest boom since the second world war?

Obama isn't a leftist or otherwise.

He's just an opportunist without any principles whatsoever.

In fact he's a crook, and has been all his life.

If people try to paint him as a socialist they'll fail, because there's too much evidence to the contrary, and that's how he'll win.

For him to be defeated he must BE ATTACKED ON HIS LACK OF CHARACTER,
not false claims about ideology. Originally Posted by theaustinescorts
Of course Obama is a socialist/Marxist. He was ranked as the most liberal senator. That means he was to the left of Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, and self proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders. Obama has surrounded himself with nothing but radical leftists. To say that Obama is not a socialist, is absurd. Not every action he has taken is necessarily leftist; some actions are taken out of political necessity, not ideology.

I certainly agree that Obama is a person of very low character. As a political strategy, criticizing his character flaws, is less useful, because character flaws are subjective and easier to spin out of; Clinton proved that.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-19-2012, 01:29 PM
the heads of the socialist party are on record saying Obie isnt anywhere close to a socialist

Ron Paul is on record saying Obie is a capitalist

and you expect anyone to believe your constant mumbo jumbo socialist crapola?

good luck with that
Obama is a politician. He says what he needs to say to a group of people to get them to vote for him. Plain and simple. What he needs to be evaluated on are his actions. His actions are to increase the size of governments role in our lives and intrude on our freedom. Interestingly enough Romney is the same way. We are forced to choose between two sides of the same coin.

Both would tell you exactly what you want to hear only to stab you in the back to help their friends and donors.
joe bloe's Avatar
the heads of the socialist party are on record saying Obie isnt anywhere close to a socialist

Ron Paul is on record saying Obie is a capitalist

and you expect anyone to believe your constant mumbo jumbo socialist crapola?

good luck with that Originally Posted by CJ7
Portraying Obama as a mainstream John Kennedy Democrat is the ultimate mumbo jumbo. He looks like a socialist. He walks likes a socialist. He quacks like a socialist.

Obama is a socialist. Obama's latest comment about people not "building" their own business, should have removed all doubt, in the mind of any reasonable person.

If Obama went on national television and publicly announced that he was a socialist, you'd say he was just kidding, and the Republicans are taking it out of context.
He is a card carying Socialist !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-19-2012, 01:52 PM
Portraying Obama as a mainstream John Kennedy Democrat is the ultimate mumbo jumbo. He looks like a socialist. He walks likes a socialist. He quacks like a socialist.

Obama is a socialist. Obama's latest comment about people not "building" their own business, should have removed all doubt, in the mind of any reasonable person.

If Obama went on national television and publicly announced that he was a socialist, you'd say he was just kidding, and the Republicans are taking it out of context. Originally Posted by joe bloe

I dont portray the man PERIOD much less to Kennedy.

him being a socialist is your opinion and youre welcome to it, but its so wrong it shines the spotlight of stupidity all over you.
CJ; you kow Obama was a member of the New Party, right ?
joe bloe's Avatar
I dont portray the man PERIOD much less to Kennedy.

him being a socialist is your opinion and youre welcome to it, but its so wrong it shines the spotlight of stupidity all over you. Originally Posted by CJ7
Let's take a hypothetical. Let's say, there's a white conservative Republican president that was indoctrinated in the Klan's belief system.

Lets say his mother was clearly sympathetic to the KIan's beliefs. His biological father was either in the Klan or sympathetic to it. His childhood mentor was a Klan member. In his autobiography, he said that he hung out with Klan members in college. His maternal grandfather shared the Klan's beliefs. His closest advisor and friend, had a father in law that was a Klan member. He began his political career in the home of someone who described himself as a Klansman.

Are you telling me that you wouldn't say, that person was, for all intents and purposes, a Klansman?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-19-2012, 02:17 PM
Im telling you I make decisions bases on actions not association

Obies political actions dont even scratch the surface of socialism

a TRUE socialist wants the government to pay for everything you do, the wrongly deemed SOCIALIST AAHCA (for instance) allows FOR PROFIT BUSINESSES to sell insurance policies and make PROFITS in an open market, and that my dear firend is so distant from socialist policy most anyone with a brain would call it capitalism ...
joe bloe's Avatar
Im telling you I make decisions bases on actions not association

Obies political actions dont even scratch the surface of socialism

a TRUE socialist wants the government to pay for everything you do, the wrongly deemed SOCIALIST AAHCA (for instance) allows FOR PROFIT BUSINESSES to sell insurance policies and make PROFITS in an open market, and that my dear firend is so distant from socialist policy most anyone with a brain would call it capitalism ... Originally Posted by CJ7
You don't turn the most successful capitalist on Earth into a socialist system over night. You have to do it incrementally. The socialists have been gradually converting the system to socialism for close to a hundred years. Obama has just accelerated the process.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CBJ7, you may be right. Obama may not be a socialist. He is more likely a fascist. Happy now?