Ok Sheriff Joe, you did it ....

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-20-2012, 12:12 PM
Now lets see the god damn proof beyond a shadow of a doubt ...

Make the evidence you found public the country is on the egede of their seats ..

joe bloe's Avatar
Now lets see the god damn proof beyond a shadow of a doubt ...

Make the evidence you found public the country is on the egede of their seats ..

LETS SEE IT ? Originally Posted by CJ7
Calm down. You know you're going to get sedated again, if this behavior persists.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Punctuation, F. Grammar, F. Spelling, F.

Otherwise, I agree. C'mon, Sheriff Joe. Let's see it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I wonder if it's the PDF file from BO's own website?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sheriff Joe has had a terrific career, and done a lot of good things. But he made the stakes pretty high in this matter (which is really irrelevant, at this point). If he can't support his statements, it is probably time for him to retire.

I hate to see him go out like this. He deserves better. But he's the one who set the rules, he'll have to play by them. It's time to show the cards.
joe bloe's Avatar
Sheriff Joe has had a terrific career, and done a lot of good things. But he made the stakes pretty high in this matter (which is really irrelevant, at this point). If he can't support his statements, it is probably time for him to retire.

I hate to see him go out like this. He deserves better. But he's the one who set the rules, he'll have to play by them. It's time to show the cards. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't think any amount of proof would be sufficient. It's not like Obama is going to say, you caught me, I resign. It's not like, overwhelming evidence of the birth certicate being a fake, is going to be enough for the media to stop covering for Obama.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-20-2012, 12:26 PM
Punctuation, F. Grammar, F. Spelling, F.

Otherwise, I agree. C'mon, Sheriff Joe. Let's see it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

careful sport ... Ive let you slide more times than you know ..

ah, the hell with it. You've finally found something you think you're good at.

Lets GO Barney show the world your GUN.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
There is no such thing as beyond a shadow of a doubt especially when dealing Obamacons. Would you accept reasonable doubt like our court system? Or a propensity of the evidence like our civil system? The evidence has been repeatedly posted but you won't accept it in it's entirety. You niggle over each little detail and walk away convinced you've refuted the entire claim. You haven't. You sould ask yourself why this one individual has so many problems with his paperwork. This isn't a murder investigation but if the police had their hands on an individual with all these problems they would hold him until they properly indentified him. That is your challenge, explain why all of these stuff happens to one person. Birth certificate, school records, law school records, state department records, foreign travel records, etc. Maybe a mysterious, international man of mystery might have the same problems but this is not supposed to be that man.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-20-2012, 12:32 PM
enter JD talking inane shit, deflecting , and being the ever typical TP dumbass.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So you give up?
Again guys, if Obama was indeed not born in Hawaii as stated, what a failure from the GOP, the Media, the security and intelligence agencies of the US. Do you really think the GOP would have allowed this miss to simply fall through the cracks? Again, not an Obama fan, firm believer that both parties have screwed us therefore I have no allegiance to any one party, but everybody and their brother would have to be in on this one.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Correct me if I'm wrong (like I have to ask), but didn't Hillary initially bring this up? Or am I confusing areas that Obama has intentionally obfuscated?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-20-2012, 12:42 PM
So you give up? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

no, youre excused.

what part of that slipped over your head?
I believe you're right, however if there were hard facts without any doubt this would be true, what's the GOP waiting for to make him resign and prosecute him for the crime?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Funny how you want to say it is a failure of the GOP when it was the democratic party that had primary responsibility to vet him. Also funny that the first claims came from the Hillary camp and were drowned out with laughter. Lets look at what has happened since this started; Obama signed an order allowing the Selective Service Department to destroy all original registration cards. Hawaii has issued orders that all original birth certificates can be destroyed once they have been copied. Obama issued orders that his academic records not be released at Harvard, Columbia, and Occidental colleges. Every attempt to investigate has been met with ridicule from the left and the media. Obama won't even go so far as to explain past associations with terrorists, funders of terrorism, and other left wing radicals. This guy couldn't pass a security background check in the military.