Am I missing something or has the compelling pros law in Texas changed?

cowboy45's Avatar
I just noticed that in the compelling pros law that I am pulling up online for Texas it says the age is now younger than 17 instead of 18. Can someone who is an attorney confirm that or refute it? I'd like confirmation of what I'm reading.
jframe2's Avatar
Did you try going to the Texas site and reading the current statutes?
ShysterJon's Avatar
That's been the law since 9-1-09:
sexy.princess's Avatar
Maybe it is the age of consent you saw. I was in the hobby since 15 so I researched a lot. The legal age of consent in Texas is 17. Meaning a person can consent to have sex if they are 17 and up. To do porn and have nudes though, having a pic of a person under 18 is illegal. Based on what I know, you can have sex with 17 yr olds, but not have photography of them. This is based on my own research, and I may be wrong
ShysterJon's Avatar
Maybe it is the age of consent you saw. I was in the hobby since 15 so I researched a lot. The legal age of consent in Texas is 17. Meaning a person can consent to have sex if they are 17 and up. To do porn and have nudes though, having a pic of a person under 18 is illegal. Based on what I know, you can have sex with 17 yr olds, but not have photography of them. This is based on my own research, and I may be wrong Originally Posted by sexy.princess
Thanks for your input. But it's dangerous to 'research' the law then render legal opinions unless one has specialized training, knowledge, and experience. Certainly you wouldn't read 'Gray's Anatomy,' then perform surgery.

As for your opinions, this thread has nothing whatsoever to do with pornography or sex outside of pay for play. Nothing. Also, as has already been noted, in Texas, it is a felony to engage a provider 17 years of age or younger to commit an act of prostitution.