Who really will be the last?

The last one to find out how to post a poll is ......
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-22-2010, 01:16 PM
I cant believe this is on the front page and I still dont know how to post the damn poll. I am gonna try to find out.
i voted trey cause he probable wont stop staring at his own avatar long enough to figure it out...lol

BTW i love the avatar
Max Rax's Avatar
I vote Trey because he won't be able to get his mind straight long enough to figure it out
Everyone that responded to this thread other than me needs to find a Margarita and a life... all you guys polls are boring
Raphael's Avatar
If Daphne does not like here she is welcome to look for another site
topcat19542001's Avatar
Hey, why didn't I make the list?
AshrDashr's Avatar
If Daphne does not like here she is welcome to look for another site Originally Posted by Raphael
No, Daphne can't leave. We enjoy her too much.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 10-23-2010, 12:07 PM
man I tried to post a pole and I cant figure out how to get the questions to post at the top I click poll on new thread nothing happens. I gonna go listen to some bob marely see if that helps.

LD is cool yeah she aint gotta go no place. I tell you what babe when/if I find out how to make a poll I promise it will be worth the time to read it or vote on it.

Hey can you see who voted for what on the poll or is it all anonymous
Thanks guys. *muah*

Obviously Le Douché de Handpûppet woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
DarthMaul's Avatar
These poll is closed. Come up with something better than that. Since this one was nationally exposed, you really showed what Houston was made of.