Torri Lynn No Show

rasheedbaig's Avatar

I have seen Torri year a go and had awesme time today i called her and told her would love to see her and we agreed on the donation and i told her i am 45 mins away and she said no problem she send me location 610 and Buffalow speedway and told me to call her when i arrive there when i was 10 mins away i texted her that i am only 10 mins away she said ok and after then when i arrived at the location and texted and called her she never replied and i wait arround for 30 mins and then drive back 45 mins home with disapointment i had an awesome time when i saw her year a go and this no show had made me upset
Prime Time's Avatar
She was busy doing a double with Asian Trish...or is it Bea? Lola Bunz would have been early.
Sorry it didn't work out sheed, but you know it's like this sometimes.

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kerwil62's Avatar
Yeah her stock went way down.