NCNS Epidemic or Bad Hobby Karma

boomvang's Avatar
4:00 am Sunday Morning

There may be some that think it's karma catching up with me, All I know is if you're never met someone it can;t be your breath. I was accused of being a time waster a few years ago, That made such a mess that I became very wary of wasting providers time. If I don't already know them and I send a PM or an email I say right up front what I'm thinking. Then they can prioritize their own responses. I will write a "Hi I'm Me" email ever so often just to get a feel of what someone is like. But lately I have had a string of incidences where my own time was wasted with no concern. I could go whine in the Men's Lounge But by my estimation that would delay the provider from learning what i had said for about a half an hour, So I'm won't name ECCIE names.

Tonight I got a late Start and I called/texted Stormy from BP.

1st text was at 12:27 am. Voice verify was at 12:48. I was given the impression that she was just about ready to walk out the door, I said no rush and drive slow. Then I busted ass to get myself ready. Between then and 3:54 am I learned that she had to stop to get gas. Then I learned she had a girl friend with her. That was odd but not bad odd. Then I was asked to confirm my age again. Mid 50's that had been her preference when we spoke the fist time. They would both stop by here on their way to a town about 40 mikes west of FTW. Okay, So then a solid hour goes by. so I call again and Stormy is now driving. I had jokingly texted asking if the had gone to MW first. You know what? They had, I was a polite as I can be at 3:30 am, I was not getting an answer for an ETA so I ask what town she was in at the moment. I'm not positive but I think her response was "I am not going yo tell you where I am" The the connection was lost. I called back no answer. I think I lost a night of sleep and a Cialis for asking what town she was in 3 hours after I I got everything done and just started to wait.

Today during normal human hours I was texting back and forth with one of the fine ECCIE providers. We had done some of this yesterday as well. Yesterday I had a commitment with and different ECCIE provider and I could have seen provider #2, but I would have had to cancel with provider #1. That appointment was also a late one. What #1 had told me was that it would be after 10:30 pm. To me that meant 11:00 maybe 11:30. After a couple of questionable updates she shows up at 1:30 am. As soon as she arrived she said she needed a bath. So for the next half hour she talked on her phone in a too loud voice from the tub making plans for even later. By 2:00 am I was done. I gave the cost of a tank of gas and said no thanks. There was a Cialis involved then too. What an asshole I was.

Today talking again with provider provider #2, I was wishy washy for a part of the day Then I had a nap and I was ready to go. We texted and she was coming. She is just 15 minutes from me. Things weren't shaping up as they should. The was one text about company that wouldn't leave and then radio science. No idea what happened there.

Then a week or two ago there was another of ECCIE's finest that changed her mind in the 32 minutes it took me to run to the ATM. To this woman's credit she was prepared to follow through a day of so later, Just so happens that day sucked for me. When I let her in on that info she went silent. I wasn't yelling of calling anyone names. I had to of spooked her, She was really young. But that was the end of her,

The last week of November I contacted Isabelle from Back page.

Not an ECCIE provider, but she has a half a dozen positive reviews, It was a 10m decision, She responded promptly. Text again no one wants to talk anymore. It was smooth and easy She stays very close to where I live. In an hour great. Agreed on the rate everything. So an hour and twenty minutes goes buy so I text Another 20 minutes and I text again, Nada. So I go to sleep. When I wake up the next day I text again, She explained she feel asleep. I hear that a lot. She asked if I wanted to get together that day, I said yes and then I gave her a very short rundown on what else I had to do that day. Then radio silence. No response to text or calls,

I made a living by telling people what they wanted to hear. I know how to talk to someone I want something from. The social filter has atrophied with age, But I try very hard not to be rude to anyone. There is a point where the rude does come out, but I was never near there with any of these ladies, There were also a few appointments during this time period that came off smooth as glass and one of those was with the provider makng plans from my tub, If I'm not naming ECCIE names should I name those? Naa this is a whiny bitching post. No sense mucking it up by saying something nice about someone.
I'm noticing a pattern very distinct....

Sorry Hun!
Nothing new under the sun..........this kinda crap has been going on with providers for years. That is just the way they are in most cases. What is really hilarious is the same girls that place ads how available they are, even run specials and how they are always broke, but when a guy sets an appointment and goes all the way across town to her incall location, she NCNS him. And these are VP on eccie, not newbies! You will never be able to figure out a provider and how she thinks, so do not even try!

Best thing you can do is name names so that when someone does their research on here, the history will at least be available for him to help in his decision making process. But, I understand your hesitation for doing so, and instead of providing what could be valuable intel, an eccie VP will have her WKs who will shoot you down or call you names and it turns into a piss match of opinions, stirring the drama shit pot that eccie is mostly known for.
  • EZ.
  • 12-14-2014, 08:42 AM
The first girl has ten pictures and none look alike. If you are going to fool around on BP, you need to expect this.
This week I had PM'd a girl that was out of town. She said she would PM me when she got back. I was going to see a really cute stripper and she was going to text me with her schedule. Another, I PM'd without a response. Never heard from any of them. I text a girl I had seen before ...screw it she is finer than any of those. Posted a review.

I narrowed down P411 to fifty girls that I want to see. I don't contact anyone that isn't on there. If they don't respond in a timely fashion, I move on.
"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten"

All your incidents appear to involve outcalls. Try Incalls. Less work for them, They cannot get lost, etc.

Your leaving things very open ended. Set specific times for the session. Your giving way too much time for them to get distracted or dump you for a better offer.

Don't share what your doing for the day or any other information not directly related to the session. TMI is not a good thing. All they need to know is when and where they need to be.

Reconsider your screening methods. More research. Develop a list of well researched providers you want to see. Get pre-screened if possible to facilitate short notice/same day appointments

Bottom line: Take control. You are letting them walk all over you. Its your money. They want it. Tell them how they can get it. Set a specific time and location. If they are not naked within 30 minutes of the start time, cancel the appointment and let them know if they want to try again, it will require compensation for wasting your time.
boomvang's Avatar
Thanks everybody, I've had my nap now, They were all out calls. I've become even weirder than I was and really prefer my own surroundings, Plus it would look odd to show up at someone's incall carrying a suite case with all of the hardware it takes to get through a sexual encounter with me, I don't feel out of control. Control is an illusion anyway. It was not a popular decision with provider #1 to cancel when she was fresh from the tub. It has always been like this, but it just seems to be a a very tight grouping all at once, So what's everyone or anyone up to this afternoon later? It's just a long winded ISO I guess, In the wrong forum too. As soon as I hit send I think I'll text Stormy and provider #2 and see how their Sundays are shaping up. You know what will happen, The Stars will align and everyone will get thier shit together at the sane time, That will give the opportunity to be the asshole again to all but one. Then they can have their own thread bitching about us hobbyist that talk to too many at once. Of course you can't admit that. Except I just admitted to everyone of them it appears. That's going to get me bad hobby karma I bet.
  • EZ.
  • 12-14-2014, 10:30 AM
7 Plus it would look odd to show up at someone's incall carrying a suite case with all of the hardware it takes to get through a sexual encounter with me, Originally Posted by boomvang
boomvang's Avatar
[QUOTE=OldButStillGoing;1056139 910]"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always gotten"=QUOTE]

That statement by OldButStillGoing reminded me of a quote of Albert Einstein's. I read biographies and it was in the one I read,

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting different results".

But it looking it up just know, They don't know who really said it seems. Regardless. If that's the definition I am certifiable. That reminds of lyrics for "If 6 was 9" but I have a lunch date 50 miles away, That in itself is insane
GingerKatt's Avatar
It sounds like you made a few very bad decisions from so called "finest" eccie providers. Did they all have impeccable reviews? If so, you should at least make a polite note in co-ed or write a review. No need to get nasty, but other clients would benefit from knowing they are not the finest. And Backpage is...well Backpage.

Some of us have NEVER let a Cialis go to waste! And what's wrong with bringing your bag with your necessities in it? I don't think it would bother most girls at all. I have clients that bring penis pumps, cock rings, DVD's, whatever it takes. I have one that brings his vial of medicine and I draw it up in a syringe and inject it right into the penis. Works faster than Viagra or Cialis.
boomvang's Avatar
It sounds like you made a few very bad decisions from so called "finest" eccie providers. Did they all have impeccable reviews? If so, you should at least make a polite note in co-ed or write a review. No need to get nasty, but other clients would benefit from knowing they are not the finest. And Backpage is...well Backpage.

Some of us have NEVER let a Cialis go to waste! And what's wrong with bringing your bag with your necessities in it? I don't think it would bother most girls at all. I have clients that bring penis pumps, cock rings, DVD's, whatever it takes. I have one that brings his vial of medicine and I draw it up in a syringe and inject it right into the penis. Works faster than Viagra or Cialis. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
Thanks GK that's a very unbiased thing to say. If you weren't on the other side of the known universe I would put you at the head of the line. I just came home from meeting friends in Dallas. I lived there a long time. By them time I got to the restaurant in the rain I told them I would never go east of 360 again unless it was in an airplane. That's not true of course but it got a laugh. The reason I won't name names for the ECCIE providers is I don't think I am completely with out fault in any of those stories. One bless her heart, I think I just weirded her out. If you had ever met me you wouldn't have any trouble believing that. One did show up eventually and she did call. In her case I was irritated but shit happens. I don't think the shit that happened was very close to the version I heard, But I wasn't there. The last one is still working on getting here. When/if she makes it that will all be water under the bridge, I have to be pretty pissed to be out of the closet pissed. You ladies may fuss and fight with one another but you unite when someone in the sisterhood get's dissed. Hell hath no fury to compare to having 1000 + providers pissed at you. I got my need to whine all out and I feel better. That guy that trust you with his cock and a syringe? he's braver than I am. I'd be scared to death that I had said something stupid that got no initial reaction and that now vengeance was hers.
Chung Tran's Avatar
boomvang, you do not come across well.. you seem like an extremely meticulous-type, that expects encounters to go by a script... your expectations are too high.. the Chick in the bathtub? you cut her off because she talked on her phone while bathing? your session had not started, yet you felt slighted that she would think about something other than you, while she got prepared.. relax..

I think you are fussy.. "old man" fussy... that is a turn-off for the ladies.. they don't want to hear about your daily plans, they don't want emails days in advance, that feel them out.. you are too self-absorbed.. if I was a Provider, no chance in Hell would I see you, especially not at your residence..

not trying to be mean, but your "bad luck" is a function of your personality.. we all experience bad connections, but yours exceed anything approaching normal...
boomvang's Avatar
boomvang, you do not come across well.. you seem like an extremely meticulous-type, that expects encounters to go by a script... your expectations are too high.. the Chick in the bathtub? you cut her off because she talked on her phone while bathing? your session had not started, yet you felt slighted that she would think about something other than you, while she got prepared.. relax..

I think you are fussy.. "old man" fussy... that is a turn-off for the ladies.. they don't want to hear about your daily plans, they don't want emails days in advance, that feel them out.. you are too self-absorbed.. if I was a Provider, no chance in Hell would I see you, especially not at your residence..

not trying to be mean, but your "bad luck" is a function of your personality.. we all experience bad connections, but yours exceed anything approaching normal... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
After all of masochistic bullshit I have read in your post and you have the balls to say this to me? In public? If everything you accuse me of is true at least I am not a hypocrite playing to the crowd. Ever since the beginning of AOL there have been brave men at their key boards. I could have saved a lot of money and time wasted on professionals and one ex wife, I should have just come to you and let you analyze me and point out my short comings based on post I make on ECCIE. I would recommend only one thing to you and that's don't get yourself in to a battle of wit with no ammunition. You need not worry about being at my residence I just threw you invitation to the Christmas party in the trash. This is a perfect example of how much meaner this board is than it was. You're going to need to find someone else to pick on to make you feel like a big shot. You an't seen fussy.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Hey bv., it has to be karma.
beachcomber789's Avatar
I've only done in-calls, and except for one person they have all been pretty good as far as being on time and ready. Like person stated, I'm about to pick my best 4 or 5 and just see them as I time to chase the flakes.
boomvang's Avatar
There were also a few appointments during this time period that came off smooth as glass and one of those was with the provider makng plans from my tub, If I'm not naming ECCIE names should I name those? Naa this is a whiny bitching post. No sense mucking it up by saying something nice about someone. Originally Posted by boomvang
Sorry to continue to beat this dead horse, I only wanted to point out that not all of my luck is bad,